Page 20 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
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Socio-Enviromental Report 2017                                                       Fishing   47
                                                                           Fishing and protection of the marine eco-system

                FISHING                                                                                            WHO WE ARE

                                  SUPPORTING MARINE ECOSYSTEMS
                                       E  Support the funding of protected marine areas;

                                       E  Finance projects to combat ocean pollution (recovery of fishing gear, FADs or
                                        plastic).                                                                  SUSTAINABILITY

                                  The progress on all the above commitments will be externally audited by an
                                  independent third-party certification body/auditor on an annual basis.
                                  Furthermore, we are committed to fully involve our suppliers in this improvement
                                  process through specific requests in our buyers’ agreement and monitoring progresses.  FISHING

                                  Guarantee traceability from boat to plate
                  2                    E  Extend the certified traceability system from tuna to all species;

                                       E  Include on-pack information describing species, ocean of catch, FAO area, and
                                        fishing method on all products;
                                       E  Real time communication on treaceability on our website.                 PRODUCTION

                                  Promote seafood market positive change through our public
                  3               commitments, partnerships, communication and innovation
                                       E  Continue to form partnerships like the one with WWF and be a part of     PEOPLE
                                        organizations like the ISSF;
                                       E  Engage stakeholder and attend speaking platforms to communicate our
                                        commitment to sustainability;
                                       E  Educate consumers by encouraging responsible, aware purchase-making
                                        thanks to branded content communication strategy.                          NUTRITION
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