Page 8 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 8

Socio-Enviromental Report 2017                                                                         WHO WE ARE


            About Free FADs                                 Pros: the risk of bycatch is reduced to a minimum      SUSTAINABILITY
                                                            because the fish are caught one by one.
            This is a selective fishing method that exploits the natural
            tendency of migratory tuna to aggregate in schools and is   Cons: Use of live bait like sardines and other small local   PRODUCTION
            based on skippers’ ability to identify tuna schools in the   fish, involving the risk of impacts on their stocks if not
            open sea without using fish aggregating devices (FADs).  correctly handled. Given the reduced number of fish
                                                            caught, vessels tend to consume more fuel per ton of fish
            Pros: Reduced risk of bycatch because it prevents the
            aggregation of other species associated with the use of   caught. Lastly, this method is physically harder for the
            FADs.                                           fishermen involved.
            Cons: Increased fuel consumption because skippers have
            to spend more time at sea looking for the tuna schools.   Fishing methods that we do not use           PEOPLE

                                                            Long Liner
            Pole & Line
                                                            A fishing method used to capture those fish that do not
            A traditional fishing method practiced just a short   normally live in schools, like, for example, white tuna. It
            distance from the coastline. The fishermen throw small   involves setting cables in the water from which hang baited
            bait into the water to attract the tuna; with the help of   hooks that are deployed in the ocean until the fish bite.
            water sprayed with pressure hoses, small swirls, which
            disorientate the fish, are created. When the tuna are
            in a feeding frenzy, the fishermen use their poles with   Driftnet                                     NUTRITION
            lines and special hooks to bait them. Once hooked, the
            tuna are hauled onboard and rapidly preserved in ice or   A fishing technique in which the nets, referred to as “drift
            frozen.                                         nets”, hang vertically in the water without being anchored
                                                            to the ocean floor.
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