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                                          C. Brugnano et al. / Journal of Marine Systems 81 (2010) 312–322     321
         late autumn is probably related to their capability to survive and  offshore gradient and depth layers. In particular, further researches on
         reproduce in oligotrophic waters that characterize this period  the relationship among chlorophyll a, microzooplankton and cope-
         (Licandro and Icardi, 2009). Diverse feeding strategies are displayed  pods could be necessary in order to understand the role of autumn
         by these two genera that make them efficient at ingesting food at low  copepod communities in the planktonic food web, and how the biotic
         concentrations: Clausocalanus feeding behaviour, as observed in  and physical factors could determine the copepod spatial distribution
         C. furcatus, consists in capturing cells by direct interception when  patterns in the Egadi Island Archipelago.
         moving rapidly (Mazzocchi and Paffenhofer, 1999). So this species is
         adapted to a wide range of food and may efficiently filter by the  Acknowledgements
         particular morphology of its filtering appendages (Peralba and
         Mazzocchi, 2004). Oithona feeding on moving prey (Uchima and  Financial support for this research was given by MIUR, CoNISMa,
         Hirano, 1988; Svensen and Kiorboe, 2000), is an omnivorous and  FIRB 2003.
         opportunistic that prefers ciliate and flagellates (Lonsdale et al.,  Many thanks go to officers and crew of the research vessel
         2000), but ingests also diatoms (Turner, 1986; Hopkins and Torres,  Universitatis and technicians involved in the BIONESS sampling
         1989).                                                procedures, for their excellent cooperation in the field work. We are
            Clausocalanus is a surface-living genus, although some species  grateful to all anonymous reviewers, who allow us to improve our MS
         have a spatial distribution ranging from surface to great depth  with their suggestions.
         (Raymont, 1983; Scotto di Carlo et al., 1984). Around the Egadi Island
         area, the spatial distribution pattern of Clausocalanus species was
         characterized by dominance of C. furcatus in coastal neritic and pelagic
         surface waters, whereas C. arcuicornis, C. lividus and C. jobei were more
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