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        318                              C. Brugnano et al. / Journal of Marine Systems 81 (2010) 312–322

                                   Fig. 7. Hierarchical clustering on copepod species abundances: species assemblages.

        Table 2                                              the lowest diversity. In fact, the horizontal copepod distribution
        Mean abundances (ind.m −3 ) of the most abundant species in coastal, neritic and
        pelagic stations (0–40 m layer).                     pattern shows an abundance decreasing trend, and no relevant
                                                             changes in the copepod species composition across coastal, neritic and
         Main copepod species  Stations                      pelagic surface waters, even though, coastal area is characterized by
                               Pelagic    Neritic    Coastal  the occurrence of A. clausi, present in all the three above-said
                                                             environments but with scarce abundances, and A. adriatica and
         Acartia adriatica      0.00       0.00      2.04
         Acartia clausi         0.68       0.02      3.59    I. clavipes restricted only to coastal system in front of Sicily. In early
         Acartia copepodites    3.85       3.65      16.10   autumn, within this area the dominant coastal C. furcatus and
         Acartia danae          0.03       0.02      0.00    T. stylifera and the pelagic surface species A. negligens and O. plumifera,
         Acartia negligens      4.67       2.92      7.49
         Calanus copepodites    4.42       5.37      3.10    representing the surface assemblage in all the study area, play the
         Calocalanus copepodites  1.75     1.77      2.10    most important role in contributing to similarity among samples.
         Calocalanus pavo       1.36       1.21      1.77    Temperature and salinity ranges in surface layer allow these
         Candacidae copepodites  1.50      0.68      1.92    eurybiotic species to spread overall coastal, neritic and pelagic surface
         Centropages copepodites  2.79     1.41      5.91
         Centropages typicus    0.38       1.09      4.24    waters. These same or congener species constitute most of the
         Centropages violaceus  0.39       0.33      0.24    zooplankton assemblage in many temperate marine environments
         Clausocalanus arcuicornis  0.25   1.13      0.28    (Raymont, 1983).
         Clausocalanus copepodites  9.57  15.47      22.28      According to Scotto di Carlo et al. (1985), there is a substantial
         Clausocalanus furcatus  7.57      8.50      14.23   continuity between coastal copepod and surface open water commu-
         Clausocalanus jobei    0.45       0.65      2.22
         Copilia copepodites    0.17       0.12      0.68    nity. This copepod community structure is characterized by species
         Corycaeus brehmi       0.07       0.04      0.11    with wide horizontal distribution that in correspondence to their
         Corycaeus clausi       0.17       0.55      0.00    seasonal abundance peaks, from coastal spread over pelagic surface
         Corycaeus copepodites  3.31       3.51      3.09    waters. In the same way, epipelagic species were found abundant in
         Corycaeus giesbrechti  0.72       1.19      2.01
         Corycaeus latus        1.28       1.31      1.11    late summer–autumn, in coastal waters of the Mediterranean Sea,
         Corycaeus typicus      0.78       0.61      0.67    submitted to the influence of the open sea waters (Siokou-Frangou et
         Isias clavipes         0.00       0.00      1.13    al., 1995). Dominant coastal copepod species were recorded for
         Isias copepodites      0.00       0.00      6.34    pelagic surface waters in many areas of the Mediterranean Sea (Vives
         Nannocalanus minor     1.30       2.73      1.71    et al., 1975; Pasteur et al., 1976; Scotto di Carlo et al., 1984; Siokou-
         Neocalanus gracilis    0.12       0.24      0.02
         Oithona plumifera      6.51       2.87      9.74    Frangou et al., 1997).
         Oithona copepodites   16.17      13.86      54.44      The spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the main
         Oithona atlantica      1.09       1.07      0.41    copepod species in the Mediterranean have shown no substantial
         Temora copepodites    14.50      31.94      87.92   differences, in early autumn. The key species found in coastal, neritic
         Temora stylifera       2.70       3.90      6.73
                                                             and epipelagic waters were C. furcatus, T. stylifera, and O. plumifera
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