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                                Author contributions
                                R.P. conceived the work, performed experiment and isotopic analysis in Geochemical lab; contributed to the
                                organization of the manuscript; wrote the main manuscript text.B.M. performed statistical analysis; contributed
                                and wrote the manuscript; prepared Figures 1–6 and Tables 1–2. Genovese Simona participated to sampling;
                                performed the lab analysis. R.T. participated to sampling; contributed to the organization of manuscript. M.S.
                                contributed to the organization of manuscript. B.G. participated to sampling. Gherardi Serena performed lab and
                                isotopic analysis. B.P. participated to sampling. A.F. participated to sampling, contributed to the organization of
                                manuscript. B.A. contributed to the organization of manuscript and wrote the main manuscript text. In dif erent
                                way, all the authors contributed to paper writing.
                                competing interests
                                T e authors declare no competing interests.

                                Additional information
                                Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to P.R.
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                                © T e Author(s) 2020

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