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            today for their possible reintroduction – but superfluous in a current catalogue. The species
            quoted by Bernardino da Ucria are also omitted, as they are not supported by any specimens.
               The very well known “strange” species of Lopriore Catalogue, concerning Sicilian
            lacustrine flora, are also omitted (Lopriore 1900), in fact following Lojacono: “similar lists
            are not worthy of consideration” (Lojacono, 2 (1): 30, 1903). Nevertheless reports by
            Lojacono concerning arid habitats have not been considered “strange” in this catalogue
            since are included also the surrounding areas even if they are far from the lake. Are also
            omitted clearly misidentified reports by Borruso (1960) while only few cases reported by
            Albo (1916) are included. Are also excluded from this Catalogue misidentified taxa report-
            ed by Tornabene (Fl. Aetnaea, 1889-1892). The latter is included in the Appendix 4 based
            on Lojacono (1909) and Casalaina (1938) observations.

            11. Name abbreviations (Authors, Books, Periodicals)
            a) Authors’ names are abbreviated according to R.K. Brummitt & C. E. Powell, Authors of
               Plant Names, Kew 1992; and in IPNI. When possible, Latin names have been avoided,
               as well as abbreviations: e.g. it is considered the name Cirillo (D.M.L. Cirillo) instead of
               Cyr. (= Cyrillus), Medik. (F.K. Medikus) instead of Medic. (Medicus), and so on.
            b) Books have been abbreviated according to Stafleu F.  A. & Cowan R.S.,  Index of
               Taxonomic Literature second edition, Utrecht (1976-1988).
               Abbreviations have been carefully considered in order to avoid contradictions and con-
               fusion among very similar names. Works not included in Stafleu & Cowan (1976-1988)
               or quoted in the not abbreviated form, the abbreviation criteria follow Floras or
               Checklists concerning Sicilian areas (e.g.  Tutin  T.G. & al.,  Flora Europaea, 1-5,
               Cambridge (1964-1980); Tutin T.G. & al., Flora Europaea, 1 (2 edition). Cambridge
               (1993) or Greuter W. & al. (eds), Med-Checklist 1, 3, 4. (1984, 1986, 1989).
               The publication dates reported by Tenore in the first volume, Fl. Napol. (1811-1815), and
               reported by Stafleu & Cowan loc. cit. have been modified according to Sabato (1990).
            c) Journals, including combinations, have been generally abbreviated according to
               Bridson G.D.R. (comp.), Botanic Periodicum Huntianum (BPH2), Pittsburgh (2004).
               References not included in BPH2 follow the IPNI and Euro+Med.

            12. Other abbreviations and acronyms
               Some recurrent expressions have been abbreviated as follow:
               Atl. Fl. Europ. x (year) | x= vol., here also a redundancy from coupling x-year (Atlas
            Florae Europaeae = Jalas & Suominen 1972-1994 + Jalas & al. 1996 + Jalas & al. 1999 +
            Kurtto & al. 2004); Ref. (References); Lojacono (M. Lojacono Pojero); An (naturalized
            adventice); Ac (casual adventice); Cs (cultivated and spontaneized); Ccs (cultivated and
            casually spontaneized); Comb. (Combination); C.da (Contrada = a subdivision of territory
            used in detailed descriptions); Cl. (clar-us, -i, clar-a, -ae = famous, eminent); ?D: (very
            doubtful site); ?D: (Doubtful site); ? (Doubtful); excl. (excluding; excluded); Det.
            (Determin -avit, -averunt = He, she, they identified); ed. (editor, edition = printing); eds.
            (editors); F. (Fiume = River); F.ra (Fiumara); loc. cit. (locutio citata = previously quoted
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