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20                           Giardina & al.: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily



              * Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic. Serm. in Webbia 22: 166 (1968) [Bas. Lycopodium cernu-
                um L., Sp. Pl.: 1103 (1753); Lepidotis cernua (L.) P. Beauv.]
                Stony substrata in the undergrowth. – Species of tropical origin naturalized at Palazzolo Acreide
                according to Fiori (1943). Although reported by Jalas & Suominen (1972), subsequent unsuc-
                cessful surveys lead Marchetti (2004) to assume its occurrence in Sicily as occasional. To be
                searched. – RR.

              1. Selaginella denticulata (L.) Spring in Flora 21: 149 (1838) [Bas. Lycopodium denticu-
                latum L., Sp. Pl.: 1106 (1753); incl. S. atrovirens Lojac.]
                Shady stony substrata in the  undergrowth. – Everywhere in the region, from the sea level to the
                top of the mountains. – CC.
              * Selaginella kraussiana (Kunze) A. Braun, App. Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. 1850: 22 (1860)
                [Bas. Lycopodium kraussianum G. Kunze in Linnaea 18 : 44 (1844)]
                Native to tropical and Southern Africa, sometimes escaped to cultivation in Europe – Shady stony
                substrata in the undergrowth. – Etna (Fiori 1943), but perhaps only occasionally escaped to cul-
                tivation (Marchetti 2004).


              2. Isoetes velata A. Braun in Bory & Durieu, Expl. Sci. Algér. (Bot.) 1: 19, tab. 37, fig. 1
                (1850) subsp. velata
                Puddles and oligotrophic pools. – Misilmeri al Piano Stoppa (Lojacono 1909); M. Lauro (Brullo
                & al. 1976 a); Francofonte: Laghetto C.da Passanatello + Bosco Pisano (Giardina PAL) – RR.

              3. Isoetes velata subsp. tegulensis Batt. & Trab., Fl. Algérie Tunisie: 407 (1905)
                Puddles and oligotrophic pools. – Occurring in Sicily according both to Derrick & al. (1987) and
                Fl. Europ. 1: 7 (1993). To be searched both in field and in herbaria. – ?R.
              4. Isoetes histrix Bory in Compt.-Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci. 18: 1167 (1844) [incl.
                I. sicula Tod.; incl. Isoetes histrix Bory fo. subinermis Durieu]
                Cesca & Peruzzi (2001) proposed the specific rank for I. histrix f. subinermis Durieu. According
                to Marchetti (2004) the evidences were not conclusive. This treatment is unsatisfactory. Further
                studies are needed. – Pools on damp ground. – Castanea (Nicotra 1893 b); Castanea a Ravelli
                (Nicotra & Campagna 1908); Alcamo alla Fico, Bosco di Calatafimi (Lojacono 1909); Isola
                Grande dello Stagnone in C.da Carco, Cefalù a Mazzaforno + Isnello a Mongiarrati (Raimondo,
                in verbis) (Ottonello & Catanzaro 1986); Finale, Tumminia, Ogliastro, Castelbuono, Ficuzza al
                Lupo, Alcamo (Raimondo & al. 1994); Peloritani: Salice (Picone & al. 2003); Francofonte:
                Laghetto C.da Passanatello + Bosco Pisano (Giardina PAL)! – R.
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