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Bocconea 20 — 2007                                                     25

            * Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy in Brit. Fern Gaz. 10: 338 (1973) [Bas.
               Polypodium dentatum Forssk., Fl. Aegypt. Arab.: 185 (1775)]
               Reported for Sicily by Derrick & al. (1987) and subsequently by Tutin & al. (1993), however its
               locality remains still uncertain. Further surveys are needed. Population size, continuity, and cor-
               rect identity are to be verified. – ?R.

            * Oreopteris limbosperma (Bellardi ex All.) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 4 (1): 49
               (1969) [Bas. Polypodium limbospermum Bellardi ex All., Auct. Fl.. Pedem.: 49 (1789)]
               Usually considered absent in Sicily.  A specimen is however housed in the  Herbarium
               Mediterraneum Panormitanum sect. Siculum from “loc. M. d’Oro”. In spite of the presence of
               Mt. d’Oro on the Madonie Mountains, it is more likely that the specimen has been misidentified
               with Mt. d’Oro in Corsica (Marchetti 2005, in litteris). To be excluded.

            24. Pilularia minuta Durieu in Bory & Durieu, Expl. Sci. Algér. Atlas: tab. 38 (1838)
               Stagnant waters. – Trapani (Nicotra 1893 b); “luoghi lacustri Trapani” Lojacono (1909); “luoghi
               lacustri di Trapani presso Bonagia” (Raimondo & al. 1994). Not collected anymore and perhaps
               extinct. Field research is needed. – ?RR.


            25. Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn in Kerst., Reise Öst-Afr. 3 (3): 11 (1879) [Bas. Pteris
               aquilina L., Sp. Pl.: 1075 (1753)]
               Woods, heatlands, uncultivated grasslands, on siliceous ground. – From the hills to the moun-
               tains. – CC.


            26. Asplenium onopteris L., Sp. Pl.: 1081 (1753) [A. virgilii Bory]
               Shady rocks,  Quercus ilex woods. – Everywhere in hard and broad leaf wood, from hills to the
               mountains. – C.

            27. Asplenium adiantum-nigrum L., Sp. Pl.: 1081 (1753) [incl. A. adiantum-nigrum var.
               cuneifolium Lojac., non A. cuneifolium Viv.; incl. A. pimpinelloides Lojac.]
               Rocks, walls, woods. – Everywhere in hard and broad leaf wood, from hills upwards. – C.
            28. Asplenium obovatum Viv., Fl. Cors.: 16 (1824) subsp. obovatum [incl. A. obovatum
               Viv. subsp. obovatum var. protobillotii Demiriz, Viane & Reichst.]
               Shady cliffs. – Capo d’Orlando, Milazzo, Catania, Ustica, Alicuri, Felicuri, Panaria, Vulcano,
               Saline, Pantelleria (Gussone 1845); Mandanici (Prestandrea), Messina (Alexander) (Gussone
               1845: 885); Linosa (Lojacono 1885); Mascali (Patanè), Ulli (Nicotra 1893 a); Messina
               (Alexader, Tineo, Borzì), Antennammare (Borzì), Salice (Borzì), Milazzo (Gussone, Seguenza),
               Mandanici (Prestandrea) (Nicotra 1893 b); Peloritani (Zodda 1900 a); Messina, Finale, Aetna,
               Ustica, Isole Eolie, Pantelleria (prob. riferito alla sottospecie seguente!) (Lojacono 1909);
               Pantelleria (Sommier 1922); Pantelleria: Bugeber, Khaggiar, Fossa del Russo, Montagna Grande
               (Di Martino 1963); Stromboli: Ficogrande (Ferro & Furnari 1968); Vulcano: Casa Villante (Ferro
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