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Bocconea 20 — 2007                                                     29

            43. Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. in Neues J. Bot. 1 (2): 27 (1805) [Bas. Polypodium
               fragile L., Sp. Pl.: 1091 (1753)]
               Not distinct from the following three taxa by Gussone (1845): localities from this author are not
               reported here. – Cracks in cliffs, wet and shady debris. – Occurring on the Madonie, Nebrodi,
               Peloritani Mountains as well as the Etna Mountain, but scattered everywhere. ?D: Acireale
               (Nicotra 1890 a), subspecies not reported; Salice e Antennammare (Nicotra 1893 b); Etna: M.
               Silvestri e M. del Salifizio (Poli 1965). – C.
            44. Cystopteris alpina (Lam.) Desv., Prodr. Foug. 6 (3): 264 (1827) [Bas. Polypodium alpi-
               num Lam., Fl. Franç. 1: 22 (1779); Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. subsp. alpina (Lam.)
               Cracks in cliffs, wet and shady debris. – Sicily according to Soster (2001). There is only one
               record from the Madonie Mountain reported by Tineo (Lojacono 1909). – RR.
            * Cystopteris diaphana (Bory) Blasdell in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 21: 47 (1963) [Bas.
               Polypodium diaphanum Bory, Voy. Souterrain 1: 328 (1804); Asplenium diaphanum
               (Bory) Lojac. (1909)]
               Cracks in cliffs, wet and shady debris. – Rocca Busambra (Lojacono 1909); Confirmed by Fl.
               Europ. 1: 25 (1993), but according to Marchetti (2005,  in litteris) the author is not reliable
               because based only on a reference quoted by Fiori. The only specimen really examined by Fiori
               has been identified as C. dickieana (Nardi 1974). To be excluded from Sicilian flora.

            45. Cystopteris dickieana R. Sim in Gard. Farmer’s J. 2: 308 (1848) [C. regia (L.) Desv.
               p.p.; C. regia (L.) Desv. var. dickieana (R. Sim) Druce]
               For systematic remarks see Nardi (1974). – Cracks in rocks and siliceous debris. – Madonie al
               Passo della Botte (Lojacono 1909). Scattered: -sulle Madonie (Tornabene CAT, Todaro TO), -
               Etna alla Casa degli Inglesi, 12.07.1855, E. & A. Huet du Pavillon (FI et TO), -Etna M. Albano,
               19.5.1913, s. coll. (CAT), -Etna Nicolosi, Tornabene (CAT), -Catania, Tornabene (CAT), Catania
               Ognina, Tornabene (CAT) (campioni in Profumo 1965). – NC.

            46. Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth, Tent. Fl. Germ. 3 (1): 65 (1799) [Bas. Polypodium
               filix-femina L., Sp. Pl.: 1090 (1753)]
               Wet woods, close to water courses. – Madonie, Castellobuono, Collesano, Itala, M. Scuderi,
               Messina nei  Valloni del Campo (Gussone 1845); Castellobuono a S. Guglielmo (Minà),
               Mandanici (Prestandrea) (Gussone 1845: 886); Messina alla Scala (Seguenza), Antennammare
               (Borzì), Fondachelli (Seguenza) (Nicotra 1893 b); Salto dell’Acero (Zodda 1900 a); Galati di
               Tortorici a Cufò, S. Lucia del Mela, Salice (Zodda 1908); Salice (Borzì) (Nicotra & Campagna
               1908); Madonie (Brullo 1983); M. di Palermo Contrada Agrifoglio (Marcenò & Ottonello 1991).
               – NC.

            47. Dryopteris pallida (Bory) C. Chr. ex Maire & Petitm. in Bull. Séances Soc. Sci. Nancy
               sér. 2, 9: 480 (1908) [Bas. Nephrodium pallidum Bory, Expéd. Sci. Morée 3 (2) Bot.:
               287 (1832)]
               For taxonomic remarks see Nardi (1976). – Known from the whole mountain territory (only mar-
               ginaly on the Caronie area) Sicily s.s. and Pantelleria. S. Martino, Caputo, M. Peregrino, M.
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