Page 29 - bocconea_2007
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Bocconea 20 — 2007                                                     33

            ** Cedrus atlantica (Manetti ex Endl.) Carriére, Traitè Gen. Conif.: 285 (1855)
               Cultivated as ornamental and for reafforestation. – Everywhere in the region. – C.

            ** Cedrus deodara (D. Don) G. Don f. in Loudon, Hort. Brit.1: 388 (1830)
               Cultivated as ornamental and for reafforestation. – Everywhere in the region. – C.

            ** Cedrus libani A. Rich. in Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. 3: 299 (1823)
               Cultivated as ornamental. – Occasional in historical gardens. – R.

            Pinus pinaster Aiton, Hort. Kew., ed. 1, 3: 367 (1789)
            58. Pinus pinaster subsp. hamiltonii (Ten.) Huguet del Villa in Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat.
               33: 427 (1934)
               Coastal and hilly woods on volcanic ground. – Pantelleria a Gelfizer (Gussone 1845);
               Pantelleria: Montagna Grande,  Attalora, M. Gibele (Sommier 1922); Pantelleria: Contrada
               Khania, Contrada Dietro Isola, Contrada Sibà Montagna, Serra di Ghirlanda, Cuddia di Mida,
               Punta Zinedi (Brullo & al. 1977); very common in Contrada Dietro Isola!, in the valley under the
               crater of Gelfizer! and everywhere on the Montagna Grande! – R.
            Pinus nigra Arnold, Reise Nach. Mariazell in Steyerm.: 8 (1785)

            59. Pinus nigra subsp. calabrica (Loud.) A. E. Murray in Kalmia 13:23(1983) [Pinus lar-
               icio Poir in Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot. 5: 339 (1804); Pinus nigra Arnold subsp. laricio
               (Poir.) Maire]
               SE – Mountain woods, usually on siliceous and lavic rocks. – Etna: in altitudine fino alla Volta
               del Girolamo (2300 m a.s.l.) (Poli 1965); Etna da 800 m fino a 1900 m a.s.l. (2350 m Volta del
               Girolamo) (Raimondo & al. 1994); plantations in Contrada Serra La Nave! and in Ragabo di
               Linguaglossa! – C.
            60. Pinus halepensis Mill., Gard. Dict. ed. 8: n. 8 (1768)
               Garrigue and maquis on marls where it takes place after catastrophic events: fire, deforestation
               by plough, etc. – Natural pinewoods only in the Ippari Valley! with an extent of about 400
               hectears in the municipalities of  Vittoria, Comiso and Ragusa, in the Dirillo Valley! near Licodia
               Eubea (Province of Catania) and in the Tellaro Valley (see Bartolo & al. 1985). – NC.
            61. Pinus pinea L., Sp. Pl.: 1000 (1753)
               Dunes, maquis, dry slopes. – Usually cultivated, but the populations on sandy hills near Messina
               are probably native even if limited in extention and contamined by reafforestation. – NC.

            ** Araucaria heterophylla (Salisb.) Franco in An. Inst. Super. Agron., 19: 11 (1952)
               Cultivated as ornamental in gardens. – Frequent on the coast.

            ** Cupressus sempervirens L., Sp. Pl.: 1002 (1753)
               Cultivated as ornamental and for reafforestation . – From the coast to the low mountains. – C.
            ** Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw. in J.Hort.Soc. 2:187 (1847)
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