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Bocconea 20 — 2007                                                     37

            78. Populus alba L., Sp. Pl.: 1034 (1753)
               Wet localities along rivers and streams, even far from the shore. – Not very common, but found
               everywhere in coastal and hilly Sicily. – NC.
            79. Populus ×canescens (Aiton) Sm., Fl. Brit. 3: 1080 (1804) [Bas. P. alba n.var. canes-
               cens Aiton, Hort. Kew. ed. 1, 3: 405 (1789)]
               Hybrid, P. alba × tremula. – Woods on the hill belt. – Raro a Palermo, Isola di Vulcano a Lentia,
               Sicilia meridionale, Castelbuono al M. Palumbo, Etna a Nicolosi (Lojacono 1904); Madonie near
               Petralia Sottana (Raimondo & al. 2004). – R.
            80. Populus tremula L., Sp. Pl.: 1034 (1753)
               Mountain, mainly wet woods. – Polizzi, Sciddato, Nicolosi, Catania, Milo (Gussone 1845);
               Caltagirone (Taranto & Gerbino) (Gussone 1845: 881); Etna Cubania, Bosco Cerrita, Maletto
               (Lojacono 1904); Etna: Rocca delle Palombe, Serra del Salfizio, Serra Giannicola Grande, Volta
               del Girolamo (Poli 1965); Etna: Contrada Cassone (Ronsisvalle & Signorello 1979); Nicolosi
               Abbazia di S. Nicolò (Poli & al. 1990). – R.
            81. Populus nigra L., Sp. Pl.: 1034 (1753)
               Along mountain rivers and streams. – Common of the river beds in Sicily. – C.
            82. Populus ×canadensis Moench, Verz. Ausländ. Baüme: 81 (1785)
               Species used in reafforestation. – Artificial plantations. – Sometimes casual. – C.
            83. Populus deltoides Marshall, Arbust. Amer.: 106 (1785)
               Species used in reafforestation. – Artificial plantations. – Sometimes casual. – C.

            84. Juglans regia L., Sp. Pl.: 997 (1753)
               Wet ground, cultivated for its fruits. – Common in valley floors, above all in Southern Sicily,
               where sometimes it characterises the landscape. – NC.

            85. Betula aetnensis Raf. in Specchio Sci. 1: 17 (1814) [“B. alba” sensu Guss. non L.]
               ES – Woods in lava ground on the Etna Mountain. – Taxon isolated during glaciations and found
               in the mountain belt. It forms pure woods or grows together with Fagus sylvatica. Linguaglossa,
               Maletto, Randazzo (Gussone 1845); Stazioni al Milo, Bosco Cerrita, Bronte, Valle del Bove,
               Fornazzo, Rifugio Citelli, Sciara del Follone (Raimondo & al. 1994). Endangered owing to the
               absence of renovation. – RR.
            86. Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: 54 (1790) [Bas. Betula alnus var. glu-
               tinosa L., Sp. Pl.: 983 (1753)]
               Woods and scrublands along river banks. – Arena di Catania (Cosentino 1825); Etna (Tineo,
               Bivona), Mondello (Parlatore,  Tineo) (Lojacono 1904); Gangi,  Alcantara (Raimondo & al.
               2004). Common near Messina and in the Nebrodi mountains! – NC.

            87. Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Duby, Bot. Gall.: 423 (IV 1828) [Bas. Betula cordata Loisel.,
               Not. Fl. France: 139 (1810); Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Loisel., Fl. Gall. éd. 2, 2: 317 (VII
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