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               Siracusa e a ?Marina di Caronia (Raimondo & al. 1994); Pantano Longarini (Raimondo & al.
               2004). Note: several localities in Lojacono (1909) sub Q. coccifera L. – R.

            94. Quercus ilex L., Sp. Pl.: 995 (1753) subsp. ilex
               Dry pastures, maquis. – In climax formations on the coastal belt. Common in rocky coast and
               inland. On the Madonie Mountains up to 1500 m a.s.l. – CC.
            95. Quercus ×soluntina Tineo ex Lojac., Fl. Sicul. 2 (2): 389 (1904)
               Probable hybrid of Q. ilex and Q. calliprinos. – Coastal maquis. – North facing slopes of Mt.
               Catalfano between Palermo! – RR.

            96. Quercus suber L., Sp. Pl.: 995 (1753)
               Evergreen woods on decalcified ground. – Formations on the Tyrrenian coast near Caronia, on
               the top of Mount Inici, Mounts of San Vito and of the Zingaro, in Pizzo del Bosco, Montagna
               Grande near Trapani; in S Sicily and near Francofonte and Vizzini on basaltic aoil and soutwards
               of Caltagirone on plyocenic and pleistocenic sands and on red soils. Possibly spread by humans.
               – C.
            97. Quercus ×morisii Borzì, Comp. Fl. Forest. Ital.: 171(1880)
               The hybrid Q. ilex subsp. ilex ×. suber – Evergreen woods. – Ficuzza, Madonie (Lojacono 1904).
               – R.
            98. Quercus cerris L., Sp. Pl.: 997 (1753) [Q. austriaca auct. Fl. Sic. non Willd.; Q. nico-
               trae Lojac. (1904);  Q. tournefortii Willd.].  Q. nicotrae in Brullo & al. (1999), but
               according to Kerguélen (1993) is Q. humilis Mill. subsp. humilis.
               Woods on subacid ground rich in clay. – On all the relives. Common in the Etna Mountain in
               locality Cerrita. Large woods on the Nebrodi Mountains. – C.
            99. Quercus cerris var. gussonei Borzì in Boll. Reale Orto Bot. Palermo 10: 65 (1911) pro
               sp. [Q. haliphlaeos Guss. non Lam.; Q. gussonei (Borzì) Brullo in Brullo & Marcenò]
               According to Brullo & al. (1999) it deserves specific rank, but Schicchi & al. (2000) confirm the
               variety proposed by Borzì (1911). close to Q. cerris, it could belong to a cline of hybrids between
               Q. cerris and Q. suber! – Dry woods on siliceous and carbotane substrata. – Rare in the hilly-low
               mountain belt in the Nebrodi Mountain and in the woods near Ficuzza (Brullo & al. 1999). – R.
            * Quercus ×bivonana Guss., Fl. Sicul. Syn. 2:604(1844) [Q. suber var. bivoniana Fiori]
               Submontane woods. – Madonie: Gonato, Boschi di Cava (Lojacono,1904) and S. Giorgio
               (Raimondo PAL). – Probably the hybrid Q. suber × virgiliana. – R.

            * Quercus crenata Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot. 1: 724 (1785) [Q. pseudosuber Santi (1795)]
               Probably hybrid between Q. cerris and Q. suber (Brullo & al. 1999; Schicchi & al. 1998). –
               Woods. – Boschi di Parmentiere, Finale (Lojacono 1904). Sicilia (Schicchi & al. loc. cit.). – R.
            * Quercus ×pseudo-cerris Lojac., Fl. Sicul. 2 (2): 381 (1904)
               Q. cerris ×suber, Woods. – Castelbuono alla Barraca and near Geraci (Lojacono 1904). – RR.
            * Quercus ×pseudo-austriaca Lojac., Fl. Sicul. 2 (2): 379 (1904)
               Probably hybrid , but the two parents are not known (Brullo & al. 1999). – Woods. – Boschi del
               Vicaretto presso Castelbuono, Boschetti marittimi Finale (Lojacono 1904). – RR.
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