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            502. Fumaria agraria Lag., Gen. Sp. Nov.: 21 (1816) [incl. “F. agraria var. spectabilis”
               sensu Zodda; “F. media” sensu Guss. (1828) non Loisel.]
               Gardens, fields and uncultivated land. – Lampedusa (Lojacono 1885: sub F. microsepala Lojac.);
               Monte Erice (Nicotra 1893 a); Sciare di Marsala (Fanales 1899); Trapani (Ponzo 1900); Girgenti
               (Zodda & Sturniolo) (Zodda 1908); Palma Montechiaro a Castellazzo e Pizzo Falcone (Sortino
               1968); Licata: Caduta, Poliscia, Torre S. Nicola (Sortino & Di Martino 1974); Pachino, Tra
               Modica e Sampieri, Avola, Noto, Filicudi, Bivio Noto-Giarratana, S. Pietro, Tra Noto e Pachino,
               Tra Rosolini e Pachino, Tra Ispica e Pachino, Marina della Marza, S. Maria del Focallo, Capo
               Isola delle Correnti, Niscemi, Contrada Maugini di Pachino, Lipari (Brullo & Marcenò 1985). –

            503. Fumaria judaica Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Or. ser. 1, 2 (8): 15 (1849) [F. major Badarò ex
               sententia Cl. Lojaconi 1889: 228]
               Fields and uncultivated land. – Marsala “F. agraria Lag. … varietatem floribus minoribus …”
               (Gussone 1844: 239), fide sententia Cl. Lojaconi (Lojacono 1886: 63). To be searched in the
               region and in the herbarium Gussone-Sicilia (NAP). – ?R.
            * Fumaria barnolae Sennen & Pau in Treb. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 3: 63 (1917) [F. bella
               P. D. Sell; F. major Badarò in Giorn. Fis. (Brugnatelli) ser. 2, 9: 72 (1826) nom. illeg.,
               non Roth]
               Gardens, vineyards, uncultivated land. – Included, using the synonyms “F. major Badarrò”, by
               Gussone (1844: 238) and by Lojacono (1889: 62) to F. agraria Lag. and not to F. gaillardoti;
               unknown to the two authors cited. This identification shows problems about the correct taxo-
               nomic interpretation of F. agraria by the two authors; a further investigation on how to treat the
               entire group is needed. However, according to Fl. Europ. 1: 308 (1993) F. barnolae s.str. (excl.
               F. gaillardotii) is to be excluded from Sicily.

            504. Fumaria gaillardotii Boiss., Fl. Orient. 1: 139 (1867) [incl. F. drepanensis Lojac.]
               Fields and uncultivated land. – Everywhere in the region. – C.

            505. Fumaria capreolata L., Sp. Pl.: 701 (1753) subsp. capreolata [F. speciosa Jord.; incl.
               F. ambigua Lojac.]
               Gardens, vineyards, uncultivated land. – Everywhere in the region. – CC.

            506. Fumaria flabellata Gasparr. in Rendiconto Accad. Sci. Soc. Borbon. Napoli 1: 51
               Gardens, vineyards, uncultivated land. – Everywhere in the region. – C.
            * Fumaria rupestris Boiss. & Reut., Pugill. Pl. Afr. Bot. Hispan.: 4 (1852)
               Until today known only in Southern Spain, according to Fl. Europ. 1: 308 (1993). – Gardens,
               vineyards, uncultivated land. – In Sicilia (Lojacono 1889: PAL, s. loco). To be searched in the
               region. – ?R.

            * Fumaria pallidiflora Jord. in F. W. Schultz, Arch. Fl. Fr. Allem.: 305 (1854) [F. capreo-
               lata L.]
               Lojacono identified this taxon similar to F. flabellata, however it should be identified with F.
               capreolata. Classic specimens therefore to be reported for the first and not to the latter species.
               – Gardens, vineyards, uncultivated land. – Linosa (Zwierlein) (Lojacono 1885).
            * Fumaria serotina Guss. in Parl. in Giorn. Bot. Ital. 1 (1): 150 (1844)
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