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airborne and space borne imaging; radar and LIDAR imaging. Furthermore, beach elevation within the intertidal zone is
              retrievable as well using ground survey, photogrammetry, SAR interferometry and laser ranging.
              Traditionally, shoreline is three-dimensionally  mapped by  means of stereography on aerial photographs that, where
              available, are used to detect past shoreline position  . Near infrared and especially thermal infrared images can easily
              divide emerged and submerged domains, however their use is limited by a coarse spatial resolution. Optical images are
              characterized by higher spatial resolution, although needs to be pointed out that spectral the confusion due to turbidity,
              foam   and beached submerged vegetation limits the accuracy of shoreline detection. SAR images can be acquired both
              all time and in all weather  conditions,  highlighting interesting  potentialities, in spite of this signal  echo from a sea
              surface  depends heavily on the  instantaneous sea state: waves may  cause echo  overwhelming the return  from the
              emerged area   . According to Baghdadi et al.  , radar images yield a better definition of the shoreline with higher
              incidence angle, whereas Kim et al.  , report the higher accuracy in shoreline extraction the shorter the wavelength.
              LIDAR  data intrinsically provide information about  beach topography and near-shore bathymetry, shoreline can  be
              extracted by intersecting LIDAR DEM and tidal datum surface  . The integration of complimentary information such as
              multispectral and  geometric data   [10]-[11]   through fusion techniques can overcome  the shortcomings  of individual
              However these studies allow retrieving only the instantaneous position of the shoreline that should also be considered
              from a temporal point of view. This research aims to take into account both wave and tide effects, acting during the
              image acquisition, on the user shoreline digitization. Each wave instantaneously determines the shoreline motion; the
              sea-wave of operational interest depends on the “ordinary sea-storm”.

                                                    2.  METHODOLOGY
              Methodology includes several steps aiming to estimate the uncertainty in shoreline positioning  by means  of remote
              sensing data, namely: the geological and geomorphological characterization of the study area, in order to identify the
              sediment size and composition constituting the beach and determining its average slope; the diachronic analysis through
              orthophotos acquired for suitable period to identify erosion phenomena (10 years, from June 2006 to August 2005 in the
              present study); georeferencing, mosaicking of the images and digitization of the shoreline at a  suitable scale; the
              characterization of the ordinary sea-storm for each wind direction and year; the wave motion propagation from offshore
              to nearshore; the estimation of the ordinary sea-storm maximum run-up; the displacement computation of the shoreline
              due to tide influence. Wave motion plays the most important role in characterize the instantaneous shoreline position  .
              2.1 Maritime hydraulic study
              In order to study the wave propagation from off to near shore the geographic aspect of the coast needs to be known. It
              allows calculating the wind sector in terms of angle amplitude, wind direction, blind sectors due to islands interferences.
              Once identified the wind sector, wave data recorded by the southern Mazara del Vallo buoy were acquired. The buoy is
              part of the National Wave-meter Network (Rete Ondametrica Nazionale) and is located (37°31'00''N, 12°32'00''E) near
              the Mazara del Vallo harbor  [12] .

              2.2 Statistical analysis of wave data
              In order to describe the methodology, the term “ordinary sea-storm” needs to be defined. A sea-storm is a succession of
              sea states during which the significant wave height, Hs(t), is usually greater than a critical threshold, hcrt, while it is lower
              than the threshold only for periods shorter than Δtcrt. According to Boccotti  [13] , the temporal, Δtcrt., and height, hcrt,
              thresholds in Mediterranean Sea can be assumed equal to 12 hours and 1.5 m respectively. Within this work the prefix
              “ordinary” refers to a sea-storm that is reached at least once a year. To simply retrieve the ordinary value, records were
              filtered and sea storms were grouped, for each year, depending on 30° sectors centred on 12 incoming directions ranging
              between  15° and 345°  N. For each sea-storm height peak  values were retrieved and the average time period  was
              2.3 SWAN modelling
              SWAN is a third generation model based on the energy balance spectrum, able to accurately assess wave parameters on
              lakes, estuaries and coastal zones, given the bathymetry, the outline wave “clime” and wind initial conditions. The wave
              celerity propagation is obtained according to the linear theory  [14]-[15] . The model is based on the principle that surfaces
              characteristics are retrievable from wave spectral variance, E (σ, θ), representing the wave energy distribution on angular
              frequencies, σ, and propagation direction, θ. The model assesses the wave evolution through the action density N (| x |, t;

                                                  Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7824  78241Z-2

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