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Since maxima fluctuations within the study period resulted in about  m 0.4 m and the average beach slope is 3.59 %
              (Figure 3) the shoreline positioning uncertainty due to tide variation is ~ m 10 m.

                                           5.  DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
              The proposed methodology, even if in a preliminary phase, allows evaluating tides and waves influence in positioning
              the shoreline through remotely sensed images. These are often the only tools available to build-up the morphological
              evolution of a beach in the last decades with sufficient accuracy. Shoreline positioning through airborne images are often
              affected by uncertainty in the user visual interpretation of the wet/dry boundary of a beach, due to both waves and
              images characteristics at the acquisition  time. The study case shows that wave  motion, together with local  sea
              characteristics, produces a positioning error of about 15 meters. Shoreline and run-up delimit a zone strictly dependent
              on ordinary sea storm, during which they are both submerged and that therefore should be assumed as respect zone and
              should undergoes the rules of the maritime State property. Uncertainties due to sea level fluctuation, causing an error of
              ≈  10 m,  must be  superimposed to those  caused  by the  run-up (≈  7.7  m). Methodology limits are strictly related to
              offshore buoy data quality and availability. Run-up has been estimated using an empirical relationship retrieving an
              accurate  value, even if the implementing  of a  hydraulic  model to verify shoreline  position is actually in progress.
              However the knowledge of maritime conditions during the remote sensing overpass is fundamental to rigorously verify
              the positioning.

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