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4.1 Maritime hydraulic study
              By analysing the coastline morphology, the wind sector amplitude is 131° and ranges between  195° and 300° N
              clockwise (Fig. 1), however the close island of Favignana (the Egadi archipelago) blinds the northern part of the sector
              narrowing it to 105° (195°÷300° N). The buoy records vertical oscillation within  m 20 m (0.01m resolution and 3%
              accuracy) and between 0°÷360° (1.5° resolution and 0.5°÷2° accuracy). The buoy is the only one available close to the
              chosen littoral zone and is  managed by the Superior  Institute for Environmental Protection and  Research (ISPRA -
              Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale) delivering the data. Wave heights, H s [m], maximum and
              mean wave periods, T p and T m [s] and wave direction, D m [°N], between the 1  of July 1989 and 4  of April 2008 were
              acquired and  processed applying a  geographic transposition, to take into account the differences in wind exposition
              between the beach and the boundary of the calculation domain. A wave propagation analysis from off to near -shore
              allows the retrieval of the beach run-up.
              4.2 Statistical analysis of wave data

              The ordinary value has been assumed as the minimum of the peak values for each sea-storm, since it is reached at least
              once  a year  during the observational period. The shoreline analysis has been carried out  on the  285° N direction,
              characterized by the more frequent sea-storms and higher peaks. Between the latter, the minimum value was reached in
              2001 (H = 2.18 m) with a period T = 5.51 s (Tab. 1).
                 Tab. 1. Sea-storm peak, Hs [m], and minimum value, for each year of records and for given propagation direction.

                                                         195° N   225° N   255° N   285° N   315° N
                                           1989     -      -      -     3.49     -
                                           1990    2.00   3.09    -     5.89    3.62
                                           1991     -      -     2.31   6.26    2.36
                                           1992     -     4.30   3.27   4.25    3.99
                                           1993     -     5.15   3.27   6.87    4.01
                                           1994    1.88    -     2.09   4.97    4.18
                                           1995     -      -      -     6.10    3.73
                                           1996    2.30    -      -     6.00     -
                                           1997     -      -      -     4.43    3.66
                                           1998    2.50   1.85   2.53   7.19    3.90
                                           1999     -     2.45    -     2.67    6.27
                                           2000     -     2.33   2.49   2.55    4.44
                                           2001     -     2.26   2.88   2.18    5.15
                                           2002     -      -      -     4.64     -
                                           2003     -      -      -      -       -
                                           2004     -     5.43    -     5.54    2.92
                                           2005    3.72   5.64   2.52   6.16     -
                                           2006    1.91   1.84    -     6.34    4.04
                                           2007     -      -     3.80   5.14     -
                                           2008     -     2.25   3.55   3.92     -
                                           Min     1.88   1.85   2.09   2.18    2.36

              4.3 The SWAN model
              A grid having a spatial resolution of 100 m has been used to simulate near-shore waves  [20] . The wind effect wasn’t taken
              into account; on the contrary the dissipative term produced by breaking  was included within the source terms.  The
              significant height, period and propagation direction of the input waves were respectively assumed equal to: 2.18 m, 5.51
              s and 285° N. The graphical output of a generic simulation is reported in Figure 2. By analysing those data, the
              significance height Hs = 1.80 m and period T = 4.43 s for given bathymetry (-60 m) have been retrieved, that were
              successively used for the run-up assessment.

                                                  Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7824  78241Z-5

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