Page 1 - Pselaphinae
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Biodiversity Journal,  2017, 8 (1 ):  185-192                                                                  MONOGRAPH

                         Pselaphinae (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) from Sicily and Cala-

                         bria (ltaly). Results from a short entomological expedition in

                        Aprii, 2015

                        Giorgio Sabella *,  Rostislav Bekchiev & Rumyana  Kostova                3

                         Department  of  Biologica!,  Geologica!  and  Environmental  Sciences,  Animai  Biology  Section,  via  Androne  81,  95124  Catania,
                        Italy;  e-mail:  sabellag@
                         N ational M  useum  of N a turai  H istory,  l  Tsar O svoboditel B lv d,  l 000  Sofia,  Bulgaria;  e-m ai!:  bekchiev@ n m
                         Department  of  Zoology  and  Anthropology,  Faculty  of  Biology,  Sofia  University,  8  Dragan  Tsankov  Bvld.,  Bulgaria;  e-mail:
                        *corresponding  author

                        ABSTRACT                   The  study  presents  the  results  from  an  entomologica! expedition  in  Southern  ltaly.  Two  rare

                                                    sp e c i es'  Batrisodes adnexus  (C  o  H a m p e'  l  8 6 3)  an d  Chennium siculum Fiori,  l 9 14'  w ere
                                                   collected  in  Sicily  and  three  species, PanaphantusatomusKiesenwetter,  1858,  Bibloplectus

                                                   pusillus (D enny,  1825),  an d  Bibloplectus delhermi (Guillebeau,  1888),  are  record ed  for  the
                                                   first  time  from  Calabria.

                         KEYWORDS                  ltaly;  Pselaphinae;  faunistics;  taxonomy;  new  record.

                        Received  09.09.2016; accepted  24.10.2016; printed  30.03.2017
                        Proceedings  of  the  3rd  International  Congress  "Biodiversity,  Mediterranean,  Society",  September  4th-6th  2015,  Noto-
                        Vendicari  (ltaly)

                        INTRODUCTION                                                        08.IV.2015  in  the  region  of  Sicily  and  from  09

                                                                                            to  12.IV.2015  in  the  region  of Calabria.  The  main
                             A  short  entom ological  expedition  w as  con d uc-          visited  habitats  were  mountain  and  piane forests  so
                        ted  in  Aprii  2015  as  a  result  of  the  collaboration         as  wet  zones  in  Sicily  and  mainly  coastal dunes  in

                        between  Catania  University  (Italy),  National  Mu-               Calabria  (Figs.  1-5).
                        seum  of  Natural  History  of  Sofia  (NMNHS)  and                      The following  collection  methods  were  used:  l.

                        Sofia University  (Bulgaria). While the  region of Si-              Sifting  with  litter reducer (mesh diameter 6x6  m m).
                        cily  is  relatively  well  studied  about  Pselaphinae             The  beetles  were  sorted  up  manually  directly  from
                        fauna  (Sabella, 1998), in  the  contrary  the  coastal re-         the  sifted leaf litter or rotten  w o od  or w ere extracted

                        gion  of Calabria is  stili poorly  investigated. The aim           using  Winkler/Moczarski  selectors  from  2.5-3  kg
                        of this  expedition  w as  to  collect m aterial from  spe-         soil  samples;  2.  Light  trap  with  a  160W  MBTF
                        cific  habitats for Southern Italy  with  scarce inform-            lamp  and  a  F8T5  - 365  nm  black  light  tube;  3.

                        ation  about the  Pselaphinae  species  composition.                Sweeping  on  the  vegetation  with  an  entomologica!
                                                                                            net and  with  a  one-hand blower (Partner GB V  325).
                                                                                            4.  Collection  at  sight  under  stones  and  among  the
                        MATERIAL AND METHODS                                                roots  of herbaceous  vegetation.

                                                                                                 D eterm ination  of the  species  w as  m ade  by  dis-

                             The    m aterial  w as      collected     from     O l   to    sections  using  standard  techniques:  genitalia  and
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