Page 7 - Pselaphinae
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Pselaphinae (rom  Sicily and Calabria (ltaly). Results (rom  a short entomologica/ expedition in Apri/, 2015      1 9 1

                             REMARKS.  Species widespread in  all Europe (in-               ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

                        cluding England  and  Ireland), Thyrrhenians islands,
                        North  Africa,  Minor  Asia  and  Centrai  Asia.  It is                  W e  w ish  to  thank  pro f.  A.  Petralia,  Ente  Fauna

                        present  throughout  Italy  mainland,  Sardinia  and                Siciliana  (Noto,  Italy)  and  F.  La  M  anna  (Crotone,
                        circumsardinians  islands  and  Sicily.  It  lives  in              Italy)  for  their  kind  assistance  during  the  expedi-
                        marshes,  swampy  areas,  riversides  of streams  and               tio n.

                        rivers  and  w et m eadow s,  am ong  the  roots  of plants,
                        under  vegetai  debris  and  under  stones.  It  seems  to
                        prefer salty  soils.

                                                                                            Aubé C.,  1833. Pselaphiorum  monographia cum  synony-
                        Pselaphus parvus K aram an,  1940
                                                                                                 mia  extricata. M  agasin  de  Zoologie, 3:  1-72, pls  78-
                             ExAMINED  M ATERIAL.  CROTONE SE.  M  outh  of                 Baudi di  Selve  F.,  1870. Coleopterorum  mess1s  m  insula
                        Neto     river    (Marina      di   Strongoli,      Crotone),            Cyprio  etA sia  minore ab  Eugenio Truqui congregatae
                        N39.19115  El7.13858,  09-10.IV.2015,  sifting                           recensitio: de Europaeis notis quibusdam  additis. Pars

                        an d  sw ipping  22  ex.  (R.  B ekchiev,  G.  Sa bella,  R.             altera.  Berliner  Entomologische  Zeitschrift,  13
                                                                                                 [1869]:  369-418.
                        Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                                                                                            Denny     H.,  1825.  M  onographia  Pselaphidarum            et
                                                                                                 Scydmaenidarum  Britanniae: An  essay  on  the  British
                             REMARKS.  Known  of Austria  (Eastern  Tirol);
                                                                                                 species  of  the  genera  Pselaphus,  of  Herbst,  and
                        Switzerland, France  (M aritime  Alps),  Corse,  ltaly,
                                                                                                 Scydmaenus,  of Latreille:  in  which  those  genera  are
                        Slovenia,  and  Croatia  (!stria).  In  Italy  only  in  the             subdivided, and  all the  species hitherto  discovered  in

                        mainland.  It  is  found  in  marshes,  swampy  areas,                   Great Britain  are  accurately  described  and  arranged,
                        riversides  of stream s  an d  rivers, am ong  the  roots  of            w ith  an  indication  of the  situation  in  w hich  they  are
                                                                                                 usually  found.  Norwich:  S.  Wilkin,  vii+  74  pp.,l4
                        plants  or under vegetai debris.
                                                                                                 p ls.
                                                                                            Fiori A.,  1913. Pselafidi di  Sicilia. Rivista  Coleotterolo-
                        Pselaphogenius sp. gr. fiorii
                                                                                                 gica  Italiana,  11:1-6.
                                                                                            Fiori A.,  1914. Descrizione di alcune specie di Coleotteri
                             ExAMINED  MATERIAL.  CROTONESE.  Verzino                            mirmecophili.  Rivista  Coleotterologica  Italiana,  12:

                        (Crotone),  N39.35211  El6.80282,  10.IV.2015,                           105-120.
                        sifting  litter,  l  male  and  l  fem ale  (R.  B ekchiev, G.      Gridelli  E.,  1950.  11  problema  delle  specie  a  diffusione
                                                                                                 transadriatica, con  particolare riguardo  ai Coleotteri.
                        Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (DBUC).
                                                                                                 Memorie  di  Biogeografia Adriatica,  1:  1-299.
                                                                                            Guillebeau  F.,  1888.  Notes  pour  servirà  l'étude  des
                             REMARKS. The specim ens  are  stili being  studied.
                                                                                                 Psélaphiens  (suite).  Revue  d'Entomologie  (Caen), 7:
                        Based on  the  exoskeletal morphology  and  aedeagal                     368-380.
                        features  character,  they  are  attributable  with  cer-           Rampe  C.  1863.  Ein  kleiner  Beitrag  zur  gross-oster-

                        tainty  to  the  Pselaphogenius fiorii group  (Sa bella,                 reichischen  Kiiferfauna.  Wiener  Entomologische
                         1992)  andare  closely  related  to  Pselaphogenius                     M  onatschrift, 7:  285-290.
                                                                                            Holdhaus  K.,  1910.  Beitriige  zur  Kenntnis  der  Pselaph-
                        aspromontanus (R eitter,  191 O).
                                                                                                 iden- und  Scydmaeniden-Fauna  Italiens  und  der
                                                                                                 tyrrhenischen  Inseln.  Miinchener  Koleopterologis-
                                                                                                 che  Zeitschrift, 4:  46-57.
                         CONCLUSIONS                                                        Karaman  Z.,  1940.  Revision  der  Pselaphiden  (Col.).  l.

                                                                                                 Tribus  Pselaphini.  Glasnik,  Bulletin  de  la  Société
                             A  first  result  of this  entomologica!  expedition                Scientifique  de  Skopje, 22:  115-128.
                                                                                            Kiesenwetter  E.A.H.  von,  1858.  In:  Kraatz  G.:  Beitrag
                        in  Sicily  and  Calabria,  two  rare  Pselaphinae  spe-
                        cies,  Chennium siculum anct  Batrisodes adnexus,                        zur  Kiiferfauna  Griechenlands.  Zweites  Stiick:
                                                                                                 Palpicornia,  Silphales,  Scydmaenidae,  Pselaphidae,
                        were  collected  from  Sicily,  while  three  species,
                                                                                                 Staphylinidae.  Berliner  Entomologische  Zeitschrift,
                        Panaphantus atomus,  Bibloplectus pusillus,  and
                        Bibloplectus  delhermi,  are  recorded  for  the  first             Krauss  H.,  1900. Neue  mediterrane  Staphylinoidea  (Co-

                        tim e  from  Calabria.                                                   leopt.)  nebst  Bemerkungen  zu  bekannten.  Verhand-
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