Page 4 - Pselaphinae
P. 4

188                                                   GIORGIO SABELLA  ET ALli

                        Kostova)  (NMNHS) .  NEBRODI.  San  Teodoro                         Brachygluta ragusae (Saulcy ,  1876)

                        (Cesarò,       Messina),       N37.87024         El4.67808,
                        05.IV.2015,  under  stones,  2  females  (R.  Bekchiev,                  ExAMINED  MATERIAL.  NEBRODI.  San  Fratello

                        G.  Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).                                 (Messina),  N37.94540  El4.62729,  05.IV.2015,
                                                                                            under  stones,  10  ex.  (R.  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella,  R.
                             REMARKS.  Endemie  of Sicily  and  M  alta.  Wide-
                                                                                            Kostova)  (NMNHS).  San  Teodoro  (Cesarò,  Mess-
                        spread  in  Sicily. Very  common  under stones  in  wet
                                                                                            ina),  N37.87024  El4.67808,  05.IV.2015,  under
                        and  clay  meadows,  in  sifting  of litter  and  vegetai
                                                                                            stones, 3  males  and  2  females  (R.  Bekchiev, G.  Sa-
                        debris,  among  the  roots  of plants  in  swampy  areas;
                                                                                            bella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                        collected  also  by  net  car,  window  traps  and  ento-
                        m ological n et a t  sunset o n  herbaceous  vegetation in               REMARKS.  Reported  of  mainland  Italy  (from
                        w et m eadow s.                                                     Tuscany  to  Calabria),  Sicily  and  Pantelleria  island

                                                                                            and  also  mentioned  by  Gridelli  (1950:  22)  ofDal-
                        Brachygluta aubei (Tournier,  1868)
                                                                                            m atia.  Very  com m o n  an d  w idespread  in  S icily.
                                                                                            Gen-erally  under  stones  in  wet  and  clay  meadows,
                             EXAMINED  MATERIAL.  IBLEI.  Granelli (Pachino,
                                                                                            so m etim es  sifting  vegetai  debris  along  the  river-
                        Siracusa), N36.70844  El5.00519, 03.04.2015, sift-
                                                                                            sides  of stream s.
                        ing  and  sweeping,  11  ex.  (R.  Bekchiev, G.  Sabella,

                        R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).  IBLEI.  Vendicari  (Noto,
                                                                                             Trissemus antennatus antennatus (A ubé, 1833)
                        Siracusa),  N36.78723  El5.09456,  Ol.IV.2015,
                        sifting  an d  sw eeping,  3  m ales  (R.  B ekchiev,  G.
                                                                                                 EXAMINED  MATERIAL.  IBLEI.  Villa  Vela  (Noto,
                        Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                                                                                            Siracusa), N36.98767  El5.02672, 04.IV.2015, sift-
                             REMARKS.  Known  of  coasts  of  Portugal  and                 ing  litter,  l  m a le  an d  4  fem ales  (R.  B ekchiev,  G.

                        Spain,  atlantic  coast  of France,  Sardinia  and  cir-            Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                        cum sardinians islands, Sicily, M  alta, islands  of Fav-
                                                                                                 REMARKS.  Subspecies  reported  of  Germany,
                        ignana,  Pantelleria  and  G alita,  and  M  aghreb
                                                                                            Switzerland,  Austria,  France,  Corsica,  mainland
                        (Tunisia, Algeria  and  M  orocco). W  idespread  in  all
                                                                                            Italy,  Elba  island,  Sardinia  and  Sicily.  Very  com-
                        coasts  of Sicily  and  also  in  the centrai regions  along
                                                                                            mon  and  widespread  in  Sicily. It lives in  many hab-
                        riversides  of  salty  streams  or  rivers.  Halophilous
                                                                                            itat:  marshes,  swampy  areas,  riversides  of streams,
                        species, com m o n  in  coastal m arshes  and  also  along
                                                                                            under  stones  in  wet  meadows,  in  litter  and  vegetai
                        the  riversides  of  salty  rivers  among  the  roots  of
                                                                                            debris  and  it  is  also  cacthed  by  net  car,  window
                        plants.  It  was  collected  also  with  net  car  and  ento-
                                                                                            traps  and  entomologica! net.
                        mologica! net on  the  riparian  vegetation.

                                                                                            Pselaphogenius peloritanus (H o ldh a u s'  191 o)
                        Brachyhluta dentiventris (Saulcy,  1876)

                                                                                                 EXAMINED  MATERIAL.  IBLEI.  Canicattini  Bagni
                             EXAMINED  MATERIAL.  IBLEI. Granelli (Pachino,
                                                                                            (Siracusa),  N37.03649  El5.07537,  06.IV.2015,
                        Siracusa),  N36.70844  El5.00519,  03.IV.2015,
                                                                                            sifting  litter,  l  female  (R.  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella, R.
                        sweeping,  l  male  (R.  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella,  R.
                                                                                            Kostova)  (NMNHS).  NEBRODI.  San  Fratello
                        Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                                                                                            (Messina),  N37.94540  El4.62729,  05.IV.2015,
                             REMARKS.  Widespread  in  the  western  Mediter-
                                                                                            sifting  litter,  2  males  and  2  females  (R.  Bekchiev,
                        ranean  basin,  mentioned  of Portugal,  Spain,  south-
                                                                                            G.  Sabella,  R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).  San  Fratello
                        ern  France,  Corsica,  islands  of  Elba  and  Giglio,
                                                                                            (Messina),  N37.93678  El4.63943,  05.IV.2015,
                        S ardinia  an d  circum sardinians  islands,  Italy  m ain-
                                                                                            sifting  litter, 2m ales  and  l  fem ale  (R. B ekchiev, G.
                        land  (Liguria,  Tuscany,  Basilicata  and  Apulia)
                                                                                            Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                        Sicily, M  alta,  islands  of Pantelleria and  Galita,  and
                        M  aghreb  (Tunisia, Algeria and  M  orocco). N o t  very                REMARKS.  Endemie  of Sicily,  where  it  is  wide-

                        common but widespread in  Sicily. It is  found  under               spread  in  the  forestal habitat. Generally  in  sifting  of
                        sto n es  in  w et  an d  clay  m e ado w s  and  am ong  the       litter,  so m etim es  un der  big  stones  in  forest  an d  in

                        roots  of plants  in  swampy  areas.                                sifting  of vegetai debris.
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