Page 2 - Pselaphinae
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186                                                   GIORGIO SABELLA  ET ALli

                        small parts  were  mounted  in  Euparal on  acetate  la-            List  of the  identified  Pselaphinae  species

                        bels  which  were  pinned  with  the  specimens.                    from  the studied regions
                             The  material  used  for  this  study  is  deposited  in
                                                                                            S IC ILY
                        the  National  Museum  of  Natural  History,  Sofia,
                        Bulgaria  (NMNHS)  and  in  the  Department ofBio-
                                                                                             Trimium zoufali Krauss,  1900
                        logical,  Geologica!  and  Environmental  of Catania
                        University  (DBUC).
                                                                                                 ExAMINED  MATERIAL.  NEBRODI- San  Fratello
                             The  generai  distribution  of the  species  is  given
                                                                                            (Messina),  N37.94540  E14.62729,  05.IV.2015,
                        according  to  Poggi  &  Sabella  (2005)  and  Schtilke
                                                                                            sifting  litter,  l  male  an d  l  fem ale  (R.  B ekchiev,  G.
                        &  Smetana  (2015).  In  references  all  authors  of the
                                                                                            Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                        mentioned  species  are  listed.  The  map  was  pro-
                                                                                                 REMARKS.  Endemie  of  mainland  Italy  (from
                        duced  with  SimpleM appr  (Shorthouse,  2010).
                                                                                            Emilia to  Calabria) and  Sicily. Widespread in  Sicily.
                                                                                            Sylvicolous  species  that  lives  in  litter  and  rotten

                                                                                            Batrisodes adnexus (C.  Rampe,  1863)
                             In  total,  186  specimens belonging  to  23  Pselaph-

                        inae  species  were  collected  during  the  study  (12
                                                                                                 E X A M IN E D  M A T E R lA L.  N E B R 0  D l.  S a n  T e O d Oro
                        species  from  S icily  an d  12  species  from  Calabria),         (Cesarò,       Messina),       N37.87024         E14.67808,
                        w i t h  o n e  specie s ,  B ryaxis italicus ( B a u d i  d i  s e l v e ,   05.IV.2015,  l  male  (R.  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella,  R.

                         l 8 7 O),  c o m m o n  f or bo t h  regi o ns.                    Kostova)  (NMNHS) .


                                                                  Ca llanis.setta.


                                                      Figure  l. Map  ofthe  main  points  ofthe  s tudied  area  in  South  Italy.
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