Page 3 - Pselaphinae
P. 3

Pselaphinae (rom  Sicily and Calabria (ltaly). Results (rom  a short entomologica/ expedition in Apri/, 2015      1 s 7

                             REMARKS.  Widespread  in  Europe.  Reported  for               litter an d  so m etim es  also  un der big  stones  in  forest.

                        mainland  Italy  and  Sicily. Not very  common  in  Si-
                        cily  where  is  known  only  to  the  northern  districts          Bryaxis italicus (Baudi di  Selve,  1870)

                        (Peloritani, Etna, Nebrodi, M  adonie  and  Sicani). In
                        literature  it  is  m entioned  as  m yrm ecophilous  spe-               ExAMINED  MATERIAL.  NEBRODI.  San  Fratello
                        cies  (generally  hosted  in  nests  of Lasius brunneus             (Messina),  N37.94540  El4.62729,  05.IV.2015,

                        (Latreille,  1798), but it  was  collected  also  with  car         sifting  litter,  3  males  (R.  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella,  R.

                        net, entomologica! net and  sifting  of rotten  wood.               Kostova)  (NMNHS).

                                                                                                 REMARKS.  Reported  from  southern  France  (Var,
                        Bryaxis siculus Fiori,  1913
                                                                                            Alpes  Maritimes),  Switzerland  (Ticino),  mainland
                                                                                            Italy, Elba and  Giglio  islands, and  Sicily. In  Sicily  it
                             EXAMINED  MATERIAL.  IBLEI.  Villa  Vela  (Noto,
                                                                                            is  known  only  to  the  northeastern  regions  (Pelorit-
                        Siracusa),  N36.98767  El5.02672,  sifting  litter,
                                                                                            ani, Etna, Nebrodi and Erei districts). Very  common
                        04.IV.2015,  3  males  and  l  female  (R.  Bekchiev,
                                                                                            in  sifting  of vegetai debris,  litter and  potting  soil.
                        G. Sabella, R. Kostova) (NMNHS). IBLEI. Cassaro
                        (Noto,       Siracusa),       N37.10304          El4.96445,
                                                                                             Tychus opuntiae (Schmidt-Goebel,  1836)
                        06.IV.2015,  sifting  litter,  2  females  (R.  Bekchiev,
                        G.  Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                                                                                                 EXAMINED  MATERIAL.  IBLEI.  Villa  Vela  (Noto,
                             REMARKS.  Endemie  to  Sicily  (Iblei,  M  adonie              Siracusa),  N36.98767  El5.02672,  04.IV.2015,
                        and  Sicani  districts).  Sylvicolous  species  living  in          sifting  litter,  l  m a le  (R.  B ekchiev,  G.  Sa bella,  R.

                        Figures 2-5. Typical habitats: Vendicari, Sicilia (Fig. 2); N e brodi, San Fratello, Sicilia (Fig. 3); Marina di  Strongoli, Calabria
                        (Fig. 4);  Santa  Severina, Calabria  (Fig. 5).
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