Page 6 - Pselaphinae
P. 6

190                                                   GIORGIO SABELLA  ET ALli

                        rotten  wood ,  along s ide the  riversides of s treams  and        Severina       (Crotone) ,      N39 . 13331      El6 .90204 ,

                        rivers  and  in  sw am py  areas.                                   10.IV.2015 ,  sifting  litte r,  2m ales  and  2  females  (R .
                                                                                            Bekchiev , G . Sabella, R. Kostova)  (NMNHS); same

                        Bibloplectus delhermi Guillebeau,  1888                             data,  2  females  (R .  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella,  R.
                                                                                            Kostova)  (DBUC).
                             E X A M IN E D  M A T E R lA L.  C R 0  T 0  N E SE .  M  O u t h  O f
                                                                                                 REMARKS.  Reported  of southern  England,  Ger-
                        Neto     river    (Marina      di   Strongoli,      Crotone),
                                                                                            many,  Belgium,  France,  Switzerland,  Italy,  Slove-
                        N39.19115  El7.13858,  09-10.IV.2015,  sifting  lit-
                                                                                            nia,  and  Croatia  (Dalmatia).  Known  of mainland
                        ter,  l  male  and  l  female  (R.  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella,
                                                                                            Italy,  islands  of Elba,  Palmarola, Zannone  and  San
                        R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).
                                                                                            Domino,  and  Sicily,  where  it  seems  confined  only
                                                                                            in  the Peloritani district. In  Italy  the  species w as  col-
                             REMARKS.  Reported  ofGreatBritain, Germany,
                                                                                            lected  under very  big  stones  or sifting  litter and  ve-
                        Switzerland,  southern  Austria,  France,  mainland
                                                                                            getai debris, while  in  the  northermost regions  of its
                        Italy  (Veneto,  Emilia,  Tuscany,  Latium  and  Ba-
                                                                                            distribution  area it is  m entioned  as  m yrm ecophilous
                        s ilicata),  Giglio  island,  Sicily,  Greece ,  Slovakia,
                                                                                            specie s.
                        Hungary  and  Turkey. New  record  from  Calabria. It
                        li ves in  m arshes  an d  sw am py  areas  am ong  the  roots
                                                                                            Bryaxis italicus (Baudi di  Selve ,  1870)
                        of plants  or under vegetai debris.

                                                                                                 E X A M IN E D  M A T E R lA L.  C R 0  T 0  N E S E .  M  O u t h  O f
                        Bibloplectus pusillus (Denny,  1825)
                                                                                            Neto     river    (Marina      di   Strongoli,      Crotone),
                                                                                            N39.19115  El7.13858 ,  09-10.IV.2015,  sifting  lit-
                             E X A M IN E D  M A T E R lA L .  C R 0  T 0  N E S E .  M  O u t h  O f
                                                                                            ter,  14  ex.  (R.  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella,  R.  Kostova)
                        Neto     river    (Marina      di   Strongoli,      Crotone),
                                                                                            (N M  N H S).
                        N39.19115  El7.13858,  09-10.IV.2015,  sweeping
                        and  sifting,  10  males  and  14  females  (R.  Bekchiev,               REMARKS. For information on  this  species, refer
                        G.  Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).                                 to  the  discussion  made  earlier.

                             REMARKS.  Widespread  in  Europe  and  men-
                                                                                            Ty C h U S p U ll U S  K i es e n w e tt e r,  l  8 5 8
                        tioned  also  from  Turkey.  In  Italy  is  mentioned  of

                        the    mainland       (Piemonte,       Lombardia,        Friuli
                                                                                                 E X A M IN E D  M A T E R lA L.  C R 0  T 0  N E S E .  M  O u t h  O f
                        Venezia-Giulia,  Veneto,  Emilia, Liguria, Tuscany,
                                                                                            Neto     river    (Marina      di   Strongoli,      Crotone),
                        L atium,  V  m bria  an d  Basilicata),  S ardinia  an d  Si-
                                                                                            N39.19115  El7.13858,  09-10.IV.2015 ,  sifting  lit-
                        cily.  New  record  from  Calabria.  Same  habitat  of
                                                                                            ter,  l  male  and  4  females  (R.  Bekchiev, G.  Sabella,
                        the  previous  species.
                                                                                            R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS).

                                                                                                 REM ARKS.  Species  distributed  in  eastern  Medi-
                         Trimium paganettii Reitter,  1906
                                                                                            terranean basin, known for Italy, Slovenia, Croazia,
                                                                                            Serbi a, M  o n te n egro, Bo snia -H erze go w in a, A lb an i a,
                             ExAMINED       MATERIAL.  CROTONESE.  Santa
                                                                                            Macedonia,  Bulgaria,  Greece,  Slovakia,  Hungary
                        Severina       (Crotone),       N39.13331        El6.90204,
                                                                                            and  Turkey. In  Italy  is  reported  for Veneto, Emilia,
                         10.IV.2015, sifting  litter,  2m ales  and  2  females  (R.
                                                                                            Tuscany ,  Umbria,  Tuscany,  Apulia ,  Basilicata  and
                        Bekchiev, G . Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (NMNHS), same
                                                                                            Calabria. It is  found  in  m arshes  an d  sw am py  areas
                        data,  l  male  and  2  fem ales  (R.  B ekchiev,  G.
                                                                                            am ong  the  roots  of plants, under vegetai debris  and
                        Sabella, R.  Kostova)  (DBUC).
                                                                                            under stones.
                             REMARKS.  Endemie  of southern  Italy,  until now
                        known from  Campania, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria                  Rybaxis longicornis (L e a eh'  1817)

                        and  Sicily.  Sylvicolous  species  that  lives  in  litter
                        and  rotten  wood.                                                       E X A M IN E D  M A T E R lA L .  C R 0  T 0  N E S E .  M  O u t h  O f
                                                                                            Neto     river    (Marina      di   Strongoli,      Crotone),

                         Tychobythinus glabratus (R y e'  l  8 7 o)                         N39.19115  El7.13858 ,  09-10.IV.2015, sifting  and
                                                                                            swipping ,  21  ex.  (R.  Bekchiev,  G.  Sabella,  R.

                             ExAMINED       MATERIAL.  CROTONESE.  Santa                    Kostova)  (NMNHS).
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