Page 37 - Risorse_Energetiche_Favignana_2005
P. 37

Proposal APERTURES.  PART      B        Priority6.    -  FP6-2005-TREN-4                                                  p 31 of 49
          B.5 Project management

          B.5.1 Management  organisation , decision structure & responsibilities

             Conference                                                         Industrial members
             & Project                     Consortium Council                        Council
             Management                        all Members

                                           Consortium Executive Committee                          Monitoring,
                            1 Rep from large companies, 1 Rep from University/Lab, 1 Rep from Sme,    Audit &


                                             Online -Project Management
                             Project Manager/Coordinator and Dissemination/Exploitation Manager
                                            Technology manager – Tasks Leaders

          This structure allows satisfaction of  the equal representation of each member with fast simplified co-ordinated
          communication lines allowing concerted decisions and  fast project corrective actions implementation

          Project Management Approach:
          This project management involving Smes & public/private Laboratories and considering the objectives to reach,
          will need both :
             1.  an on-line implementation for the day-to-day operation via a project management server /portal
             2.  proven multicultural methods with exhaustive review methods
             3.  a cost oriented approach as regard the market affordability of the project produced results.
          This approach should  produce  no-conflicting situations and undue extra-management loads on the participants,
          still providing the necessary data to monitor and inflect the project deployment.

          Methods for the Project Management :
          We propose to deploy, the following  blend of methods with 30 year experience in project management :
             1.  Use our experience in design of reporting methods for large aerospace firm, our knowledge of different
                 methods  (Métier/  Cisi,  GMS,  ICG,  ….)  largely  used  in  space  and  power-technologies,  combined  to  a
                 sustain project metrology (SAL.)and experience gained trough management of several EU projects.
             2.  Use  a  model  of  multicultural  management  based  on  the  project  manager  involvement  in  the  EU
                 Commission  Unit    project  –  “Innovation  across cultural  borders”  &   our  EU contracted  study  “Culture
                 impact in projects 1993)
             3.  Use the latest techniques as exposed in the professional literature (Intern..Journal of PM)
             4.  take into account, for the server, elements of the PRINCE methodology, a structured method for effective
                 on-line/off line management

          This rich blend and this broad experience-based methodology spectrum, will provide all necessary routines to
          ensure effectiveness of the project design, monitoring, decision, risk assessment and corrective activities while
          providing expertise and templates for communication, responsibilities, and metrics of key financial, technical and
          administrative progress reporting.

          Description of  the Management responsibilities :
          Executive Committee:
          A project executive committee will be formed to decide about the high level management issues, including
          technical, exploitation, financial, planning and control matters. Membership of this Executive Committee will
          designated by the consortium members. The Executive Committee will meet twice a year and at any time in case of
          urgent special issue to be discussed.
          Task Leaders, Work package Leaders,
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