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New technologies for the detection
of natural and anthropic features
in coastal areas

Some results of the sub project GE.RI.N (Natural Resources Management) conducted in the Marine Protected
Area of Egadi Islands (Western Sicily) are presented. Coastal and seafloor morphology has been investigated
integrating different data sources and using remote sensing data acquired by the Ministry of Environment during
the MAMPIRA Project. This approach allowed us to recognize the real extent and distribution of several rocky
outcrops emerging from the sandy bottom, south of Favignana Island (known as “I Pali”), and the anthropogenic
features generated by the effects of traps, trawling and anchor on the Posidonia oceanica meadow that,
within the Egadi Archipelago, is the largest in the Mediterranean Sea [1] ( Unpublished
and detailed characterization of the seafloor and assessment of human impacts are the main results of the present
study, which demonstrate how remote sensing technologies have a great potential and relevant management
implication for Marine Protected Areas and the preservation of emerged and submerged environment

DOI 10.12910/EAI2015-066

QS. Cappucci, M. Del Monte, M Paci, E. Valentini


The management of natural resources is particularly           Diving ( and it has
important in coastal environments, especially in Marine       been colonized by the most extensive Posidonia oceanica
Protected Areas (MPA), where human activities and             meadow of the Mediterranean Sea (~7,700 hectares) [2].
conservation of natural habitats have to be balanced          From the geological point of view, the island of Favignana
according to a sustainable development.                       has a N-S oriented synformal ridge (known as Montagna
To achieve this objective, direct and indirect environmental  Grande), formed by a continuous succession of Mesozoic
investigations were carried out in order to characterize and  limestone and dolostone. Its slopes are quite steep and,
monitoring the emerged and submerged environment with         affected by landslides (especially in the eastern sector).
innovative technologies. Among the many activities of the     Part of the ridge is lowered by extensional tectonic
GE.RI.N project,the morphology of the coastal environment     elements and covered by two more recent (Pliocene and
(both emerged and submerged) was investigated with            Pleistocene) flat arenaceous deposits that, in the eastern
GIS and remote sensing tools. The seafloor of the Egadi       part of the island, are improperly called “tufi” [3].
archipelago (~54,000 hectares) hosts several itineraries for  Many gravelly and sandy pocket beaches are spread
                                                              along the coast belt,often bordered by steep calcareous/
  Contact person: Sergio Cappucci                             arenaceous cliffs [4]. Sedimentological characteristics                                     and organogenic content of these deposits suggest an
                                                              infra-littoral origin [5]. Some of these cliffs, (e.g. Cala
                                                              Rossa, Bue Marino and Cala Azzurra) are affected by
                                                              significant slope instability [6].

12 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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