Page 5 - EAI-4_2015_12_19
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To characterize and map the seafloor, an important        The remote sensing data were also integrated into the
contribution has been provided by remote sensing data     GE.RI.N geo-database to be processed and compared
collected by the Ministry of Environment during the       with other information layers, in order to support the
MAMPIRA project (Monitoring of Marine Protected Areas     interpretation of the geological and geomorphologic
Affected by Environmental Offences). A description of     elements derived from the DEM. During the MIVIS survey,
the dataset acquired through aerial surveys on May-       a spectral radiometric in situ survey was made at ground
August 2012 is reported below; technical specifications   for calibration and validation of the data collected by plane.
of the main sensors are reported in Table 1.              The in situ spectral measurements were carried out (in
1. Topographic dataset of the coastal strip – products    collaboration with ENEA) in several stations on sandy and
                                                          mixed (rocky and sandy) seafloor,at a depth of over 20m [8].
    derived from high resolution topographic LiDAR        At that point, the P. oceanica meadow was still visible from
    survey (DSM first, last DSM, DTM, points xyz,         the boat. In each station, samples of surface sediment were
    intensity).                                           collected with a Van Veen grab. Grain size distribution was
2. Bathymetric dataset of Marine Protected Area–          then determined by gravimetric dry sieving methods. A
    merging of bathymetric LiDAR up to 40 m of depth      watchdog control unit was installed at about 10 m of height
    and and Multibeam survey at greater depths.           to monitor the intensity and direction of wind, precipitation,
3. Multispectral Dataset of Egadi Islands - 102 bands in  temperature between July 2012 and July 2013.
    the spectrum of visible, near infrared, and thermal
    acquired with MIVIS sensor (Multispectral Infrared    Results and discussion
    and Visible Imaging Spectrometer) radiometrically,
    geometrically and atmospherically corrected [8; 9].

Method                                                                    Geomorphological and sedimentological structures
                                                                          on seafloor were examined through the analysis of
All available information and
environmental data were                        TABLE 1 Technical characteristics of remote sensing data
organized to make a geo-
database easily upgradable and
integrated over time. A Digital
Elevation Model (DEM) using
topo-bathymetric data was
realised linking the two Multi-
Beam (40-70 m of depths) and
LIDAR (up to -40 m) datasets. The
DEM was obtained by creating a
mosaic of 65 plates (0.04°, each
corresponding to a side of about
4 km), with a total area of about
665 km2. Then, a shading and
lighting relief were applied to
better highlight the morphology
of the DEM area. Finally, for spots
of particular interest, specific
maps of slope and exposure were
created for the interpretation
of seafloor morphology and
sedimentary structures.

14 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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