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extension between the Egadi and the coast of Trapani,                Research & development
                                                                   DEM observation revealed several compromised areas
                                                                   and intramatte, especially between 5 and 20 m depth
                                                                   (Figure 7). Differences of submerged vegetation cover
                                                                   have been interpreted as morphological evidences of
                                                                   damage created by boats anchorages berthing inshore
                                                                   and grubbing up clods of meadows during the recovery.
                                                                   Further information can be obtained both analyzing
                                                                   spectral response from in-situ measurements (Figure 8)
                                                                   and using this data to improve the hyperspectral MIVIS
                                                                   image classification.


 FIGURE 7 Example of Posidonia meadow damaged                      The “shoals” observed in the south-central part of
               I`HUJOVYZVU[OLZLHÅVVYPUMYVU[VM3PKV9H]PUL  the island between 20 (top) and 50 m (base) depth
               (southern sector of Favignana)                      are remains of the emerging part of the Mesozoic
                                                                   limestone-dolomite morphostructure forming the
by visualisation of asymmetric and irregular profiles              ridge of Montagna Grande. Some authors [15; 16; 17]
along orthogonal transects, which are highlighted by               have referred to basins and structural features formed
slope and lighting (Figure 6).                                     during the Plio-Pleistocene extensional tectonic phase,
                                                                   which are emphasized by the submarine morphology.
,QWUDPDWWH                                                         But what are the “shoals” (I Pali”)? When did they
P. oceanica meadow characterizes the seafloor of                   form? What were they like during the Last Glacial
the Egadi Islands. It is a priority habitat of the 43/92/          Maxium (LGM)? Is their formation associated to faults,
EU Directive, abundant, well distributed and it is the             or are they morphological features related to selective
most important biotic community. Despite the good                  erosion? Probably “I Pali” have been shaped by waves
preservation of the meadow, and its remarkable                     which have carved the slopes of these submerged rocks
                                                                   during the last Holocene sea level rise (and/or LGM sea
                                                                   level fall), as suggested by a series of erosion cliffs and

              with P. oceanica. The depth for each curve is recorded in the legend

                                                                                         17EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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