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             Geomorphological features of Favignana Island (SW Italy)

             Marta Pappalardo , Arianna Bevilacqua , Marco Luppichini and Monica Bini a
             a                                          b
              Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; Department of Earth Sciences, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
               ABSTRACT                                                                   ARTICLE HISTORY
               We present a large scale (1:10,000) geomorphological map of Favignana Island, in which  Received 26 February 2020
               landforms were recognized and genetically categorized based on analysis of stereoscopic  Revised 24 November 2020
               aerial photographs and freely available satellite images, complimented by a few validation  Accepted 7 December 2020
               tests performed in the field. The map was created following the guidelines of the Italian  KEYWORDS
               Geomorphological Working Group for landforms symbolic representation. This includes an
               immediate visual differentiationof the genetic character and the state of activity of  geoconservation; karst
               landforms. Favignana, belonging to the Egadi Archipelago in the Tyrrhenian Sea (SW Italy),  action; Egadi Islands
               is a mid-sized (ca. 20 km ) mostly carbonatic island. The marine protected area surrounding
               the island represents the main attraction for tourists. Through this map, it was possible to
               highlight the richness and diversity, in terms of abundance and peculiarity of landforms,
               that characterizes the Island. This peculiarity makes of Favignana an excellent candidate for
               the exploitation of its geoheritage for touristic purposes.

             1. Introduction                                  adopted outside Italy, they represent an exceptional
                                                              tool to produce scientifically significant thematic car-
             Small islands in the Mediterranean Basin represent a
                                                              tography that is also easily understandable by end-
             cue of its environmental and ecological richness (Fur-
                                                              users such as urban planners and landscape engineers.
             lani et al., 2014; Woodward, 2009).
                                                              Another type of application of geomorphological
               Geomorphological mapping of small islands is
                                                              maps is in the exploitation of geological heritage
             a valuable tool for the management of their territories,
             like case-studies from Italy and Malta show (Biolchi
                                                                 In this work a large scale geomorphological
             et al., 2014; Devoto et al., 2012; Graciotti et al., 2008;
                                                              map (Main Map) of the Island of Favignana (SW
             Miccadei et al., 2012). In fact, these fragile territories
                                                              Italy, Figure 1) is presented. The economy of the
             are occupied by small communities of permanent
                                                              Island has traditionally been based on its marine
             dwellers frequently facing economic and environ-
                                                              resources, such as fishing and touristic activites
             mental issues. These communities need to be sup-
                                                              oriented towards the sea (e.g. sailing, diving, etc.).
             ported, in that they preside a land that would
                                                              Favignana is, in fact, included within a marine pro-
             otherwise represent a management issue for the
                                                              tected area (, the aim of
             country. Geomorphological mapping on one side is
                                                              which is the protection of marine biodiversity and
             a basic tool to understand critical environmental
                                                              the sustainable management of coastal areas of the
             issues that need to be addressed in order to avoid geo-
                                                              Egadi Archipelago, of which Favignana is part. The
             logical hazards, on the other is a tool to understand
                                                              richness and diversity of landforms that shape the
             which are the territory natural features that deserve
                                                              Island’s coastal profile but also its inland territory,
             to be exploited in terms of geoheritage (2016).
                                                              suggest that also local economic activities based on
               The Italian Geomorphological community has a
                                                              the touristic exploitation of its geoheritage can be
             long lasting tradition of Geomorphological mapping,
             based on specific criteria worked out in the 1980s
             and established in the 1990s (Brancaccio et al., 1994)
             and recently revised (Campobasso et al., 2018) specifi-
             cally for the coastal morphological agent (Mastronuzzi  2. Study area
             et al., 2017). These criteria are based on the use of  Favignana is an island within the Egadi Archipelago
             different colours to differentiate forms, deposits and  (Figure 1(B)).Thisisformedby threemajorislands,
             processes due to different morphological agents and  Levanzo and Marettimo apart from Favignana itself,
             different tonalities within the same colour to highlight  and two minor islands (Formica and Maraone).
             their state of activity. Although these criteria are not  The Egadi Archipelago is located in the Southern
             CONTACT Marta Pappalardo  Department of Earth Sciences, University of Pisa, Via S. Maria, 53, I56126 Pisa, Italy
             © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of Journal of Maps
             This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrest-
             ricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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