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             this case the role of some biota, such as green algae,  Software
             may play a role in shaping them (Maggi et al., 2012).
                                                              Vector data management and final layout were per-
                                                              formed using QGIS 2.18. The topographic profile
             4.7. Anthropogenic landforms                     was carried out from LiDAR data (Ministero dell’Am-
             The morphology of the eastern tableland of Favignana
                                                              dati-lidar/) using Profile tool plugin and it was verified
             Island is deeply modified by quarrying activities. The
                                                              on the field using DGPS Leica GS09.
             Lower Pleistocene calcareous sandstones outcropping
             there have been extensively carved (Figure 3(e)).
             Different quarrying techniques have been used     Acknowledgements
             through time. Along the coast blocks were dislodged
                                                              This work was funded with University of Pisa ordinary
             directly from the cliff face, promoting enhanced cliff
                                                              research funds (Ateneo 2017 M. Pappalardo and FFARB
             retreat up to 80 m from its original position. This
                                                              2018 M. Bini). MATTM (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della
             can be reconstructed based on relic rock outcrops.  Tutela del Territorio e del Mare) is kindly acknowlwdged
             Inland the most common quarrying technique has   for providing LiDAR data. The Authors are very grateful
             been in the underground, although a few open-air  to Dr Paolo Balistreri for fruitful discussions on ecological
             quarries are still active (Figure 3(f)).         aspects of Favignana coastal landforms and to Prof. Valerio
                                                              Agnesi for useful suggestions. The paper is dedicated to the
                                                              inhabitants of this wonderful island.
             5. Discussion and conclusion
             The combination of remote sensing techniques     Disclosure statement
             applied to detect the landforms of Favignana validated
                                                              No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
             by a geomorphological field surveyrevealed that the
             Island morphology is dominated by different morpho-
             logical agents in the central ridge and in the eastern
             and western plains. The morphological evolution of
                                                              This work was supported by Italian Ministry of Education
             the central ridge is constrained by the geological struc-
                                                              and Research [grant number FFARB 2018 M. Bini]; Univer-
             ture, being represented by a monocline relief, the
                                                              sity of Pisa [grant Ateneo 2017 M. Pappalardo].
             slopes of which are affected mostly by active gravita-
             tional processes. Conversely the western plain is domi-
             nated by karst action. Limestone dissolution produces  References
             different landforms. In the view of previous Authors
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             (e.g. Agnesi et al., 1993) the overall flat morphology
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