Page 2 - Geomorphological_2020
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             Figure 1. A: Location map of the study area within the Mediterranean basin. B: Structural setting of Western Sicily; (1) Thrust line;
             (2) Carbonate platform units; (3) Numidian Flysch units; (4) Synorogenic Deposits; (5) Pleistocene deposits (after: Di Stefano et al.,
             2015); the location of the Egadi Archipelago, W of the western coast of Sicily, is shown. C: Structural map of Favignana Island; (1)
             fault line; (2) inferred fault line; (3) anticline axis; (4) Plio-Quaternary deposits; (5) Punta Fraraglione unit; (6) Mt. Santa Caterina unit
             (after: Ventura Bordenca, 2014).

             Tyrrhenian Sea at a short distance from the coast of  The only mountain ridge of the Island (Monte
             Western Sicily, the largest Mediterranean Island.  Santa Caterina, 314 m a.s.l.) separates the Island in
             Favignana is the biggest (19.8 km )ofthe Egadi   two parts of almost equal area with a N–S elongated
             Islands and the closest to the coast (4.45 nautical  water divide (Figure 2). The remaining part of
             miles). It displays a coastal perimeter of 33 km,  Favignana is shaped into the form of a tableland,
             with an E-W elongated shape. The Island lies on  with an average elevation around 10 m a.s.l. on the
             the continental shelf that borders Western Sicily  east and of 20 m a.s.l. on the west. Geologically
             (D’Angelo et al., 2004). The sea bottom is shallow  (Figg. 1B and C) Favignana represents an emerged
             (within 20 m) between the mainland and the eastern  part of the Egadi Thrust Belt (Abate et al., 1995;
             coast of Favignana, has an intermediate depth    Abate et al., 1997) a sector of the Apenninic–Maghre-
             (within 50 m) offshore the Island northern and    bian Fold and Thrust Belt (Catalano et al., 1993). In
             southern coast and degrades deeply (up to 350 m  the Island central ridge and western plain the Upper
             ca.) into the so-called Marettimo Trench to the  Triassic Sciacca Fm. outcrops (D’angelo, 2005; Mala-
             west (Nautical Chart n° 260 Litorale tra Trapani e  testa, 1957). This is represented by dolomites and
             Marsala e Isole Egadi,IstitutoIdrografico della Mar-  dolomitic limestones with mollusks, algae and forami-
             ina,                      nifera. They are layered and partly intercalated,
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