Page 4 - Geomorphological_2020
P. 4


             Table 1. Data and images used for the work.
             Type               Properties              Name                   Year             Source
             Cartographic Map  Scale 1:10,000  ATA0708_604080 ATA0708_605050  2007–2008  Sicily Region
             LiDAR           Resolution: 2 × 2 m          /               2006           Ministero dell’Ambiente
             Airbornes b/w   Scale 1:20,000  1263, 1264, 1265, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274 e  2003–2004  Assessorato Territorio e
                                                        1275                              Ambiente
             Landsat 7 ETM   Resolution: 30 m             /               2015           Nasa
             Google Earth imagery  Resolution up to       /               2013–2015–2017–  Digital Globe
                              0.6 m                                        2019

             geomorphological agent responsible for the genesis of  a fan. Gravity is actively dislodging the weathered
             landforms and of different tonalities of the same col-  parts of the bedrock. The uppermost edge of the
             our to highlight the state of activity of landforms.  scree slope is overwhelmed by a degradation escarp-
             The Identified geomorphological features were digi-  ment. The concave shape of part of the escarpment,
             tally drawn in a geographical information system  suggests that in the past landslides, the body of
             (GIS) environment (QGis 2.18, open source software).  which is currently submerged, may have been trig-
             The geomorphological map was originally drafted on  gered along it. Some small sized active rockfalls were
             the 1.10.000 topographic base-map of Sicily Region.  identified along the flanks of Mt. Santa Caterina.
             For the final layout contour lines extracted from a
             digital elevation model based on LiDAR data were
             used as a base-map. The layout was adapted in order  4.3. Fluvial and slope landforms due to runoff
             to fit also into an A3 format for printing, to enable a  The overall flat morphology and the small extension of
             friendly handling by end-users (e.g. tourists).  the island prevent the development of a drainage net-
                                                              work. Only a few single-branched gullies cut the flanks
                                                              of Mt. Santa Caterina. They are occupied by ephem-
             4. Results
                                                              eral streams that form only in connection with the
             The landforms recognized in the study area, categor-  main precipitation events. Some of them end with
             ized in terms of erosional and depositional forms,  small alluvial fans. On top of the tablelands the weath-
             can be related to the bedrock structure (structural  ered part of the bedrock is represented by a layer of
             landforms) and to six morphological agents. In the  fine-grained loose deposit, rich in iron oxides (terra
             map they have been overlapped to the bedrock,    rossa), representing the residual product of karst dis-
             which has been differentiated through the standard  solution (Durn, 2003). Rainwaters mobilize this
             colours of the lithological categories (Campobasso  material through sheet erosion, without developing a
             et al., 2018; Brancaccio et al., 1994), in which the for-  channel network. The product of this process, thus,
             mal geological formations were grouped. The most  was indicated in the geomorphological map as a collu-
             outstanding landforms detected within each geomor-  vial talus.
             phological category are illustrated below.

                                                              4.4. Karst landforms
             4.1. Structural landforms
                                                              Karst processes dominate the bedrock of the table-
             Along the central mountain ridge rock structure con-  lands in Favignana. Only a few flat-bottomed dolines,
             trols the development of minor landforms. Particu-  40–200 m in diameter, were identified in the aerial/
             larly saddles are the expression of a W-E fault  satellite views (Figure 3(a)). More dolines were natu-
             system along the main watershed. Some of the scarps  rally developed on the tablelands, but they were artifi-
             affecting the ridge slopes are also structural in origin,  cially filled in with terra rossa to produce humid
             although they are subjected to secondary weathering  ploughing soils. In fact, being a drainage network
             and gravity-driven processes.                    not developed on the island, the ponors within the
                                                              dolines are responsible for rainwaters penetration
                                                              down to the groundwater table. As a result, dolines
             4.2. Gravity-induced slope landforms
                                                              appear in aerial/satellite views as more humid and
             The central mountain ridge is the only part of the  vegetated areas. They represent, thus, valuable areas
             island where slope gradient (relief energy) is strong  for agriculture, so that their contour was in some
             enough to create gravity-induced landforms. Its wes-  cases rectified by human action. Owing to this rehand-
             tern flank is almost entirely covered by a scree slope  ling, dolines could not be categorized simply by means
             of variable thickness. The eastern flank, instead, dis-  of a field survey. Interestingly, many of the Island bays
             plays a belt of loose, coarse and angular debris at the  result from marine erosion breaching a doline wall in a
             foothill. Locally the scree is displaced in the form of  framework of sea-level rise. Inland the doline wall has
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