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Fig. 8 - Schema tettonico dell’area del Mediterraneo centrale 4.2 thrusting (oligocene - miocene)
(Catalano et al., 2001). 1) Blocco Sardo-Corso; 2) From the Oligocene onwards, the entire area has been
Arco Calabro, Kabilide e sequenza ofiolitica del flysh subject to a compressional tectonic regime, as a result
“interno”; 3) Nappe delle Magrebidi-Sicilidi-Appenni of convergence between the African and European
no Meridionale e l’avanpaese deformato; 4) Avanpaese plates that produced the “fold and thrust belt” Sicil-
leggermente piegato e avanpaese; 5) Aree soggette ad ian-Magrebide (Nigro & Renda, 2005), which propa-
estensione; 6) Vulcani Plio-Quaternari. gates towards S-SE (Catalano & D’Argenio, 1978;
Catalano et al., 2000) (Fig. 8). From the interpreta-
Fig. 8 - Tectonic map of the central Mediterranean area tion of seismic sections of the archipelago of the Egadi
(Catalano et al., 2001). 1) Sardinia-Corsica block; 2) Islands, it is clear that the units Panormidi and Pre-
Calabrian arc, Kabylians and “Internal” Flysh se Panormidi are partially overlapped with the previ-
quence ophiolites; 3) Maghrebian-Sicilian-Southern ous and adjacent carbonate platforms (units Imerese
Apennine nappes and deformed foreland; 4) Foreland and Saccense) (Catalano et al., 1996). Seismic lines of
and mildly folded foreland; 5) Areas with superim the internal Sicily indicate that Pre-Panormide nappes
posed extension; 6) Plio-Quaternary volcanoes. have maintained their structural coherence and lat-
eral continuity, with bodies up to 1500 m thick and
la loro coerenza strutturale e continuità stratigrafi- lateral extension up to 10 km (Catalano et al., 2001).
ca laterale, con corpi fino a 1500 m di spessore es-
tesi per decine di chilometri (Catalano et al., 2001). 4.3 low angle extension (upper miocene
- lower pliocene) and transcurrent
4.3 Estensione a basso angolo faulting (pliocene)
(Miocene Sup. - Pliocene Inf.) e
fagliamento trascorrente From the Late Miocene onwards, the geometry of the
(pliocene) thrust belt was strongly modified by extensional fault-
ing and crustal thinning correlated with the develop-
Dall’ultima fase del Miocene in poi, la geometria del ment of the Tyrrhenian Basin (Elter et al. 2003). This
“thrust belt” era profondamente modificata dal fa- is mainly represented by normal faults with stepped
gliamento estensionale e dall’assottigliamento della geometry, generally northwards dipping, towards the
crosta, causati dalla creazione del bacino Tirrenico Tyrrhenian Sea (Nigro & Renda, 2005). The main
(Elter et al., 2003), costituito da faglie normali lis- cause is attributed to the anticlockwise rotation of the
triche nord-immergenti (Nigro & Renda, 2005). Tutto Sardinia-Corsica block and its successive collision with
ciò è stato causato dalla rotazione in senso anti-orario the North African margin (Catalano et al. 1995). A
del blocco Sardo-Corso e la successiva collisione col plio-pleistocenic transcurrent phase has also been rec-
margine Nord Africano (Catalano et al., 1995). Inol- ognized (Abate et al., 1995; Nigro & Renda, 2005).
tre, è stata riconosciuta una fase trascorrente nel Plio-
Pleistocene (Abate et al., 1995; Nigro & Renda, 2005).