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498                                          E. GUEGUEN ET ALII

                                                              (fig. 1). All these structures occur within a 400-km long,
                                                              150-km wide deformation belt, bounded by the E-W trending
                                                              UEL and KAL fault zones (fig. 1). The exposed portions of
                                                              NW SE trending faults in the Egadi Islands and in northern
                                                              Sicily exhibit marked dextral strike-slip kinematics (ABATE et
                                                              alii, 1998; RENDA et alii, 1999, 2000; GUARNIERI, 2004, and
                                                              references therein). The activation of N-S, E-W and NW-SE
                                                              trending  fault  systems  is  generally  referred  to  the  Early
                                                              Pliocene-Recent  interval  (BOCCALETTI &  DAINELLI,  1982;
                                                              GHISETTI & VEZZANI, 1984; FINETTI & DEL BEN, 1986; CAR-
                                                              BONE & GUARNIERI, 2003; LENTINI et alii, 2006).

                                                                              DATA PRESENTATION

                                                                 New insights into the kinematics and dynamics of the
                                                              southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin can be derived by integrat-
                                                              ing geophysical, structural and geodetic data. In this section,
                                                              after a brief review of the available geophysical information
                                                              derived from the literature, we present the results of inde-
                                                              pendent, original structural and space geodesy data analyses.

                                                              GEOPHYSICAL DATA
        Fig. 2 - (Top). A segment of the NSic1 seismic line across the Solunto  The southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin corresponds to
        High  (southern  Tyrrhenian  Sea  margin).  For  location  see  fig.  1b.  the transition from the ~40 km thick continental crust of
        (bottom) Geological interpretation of the depth conversion of the
        NSic1 line showing the intensively faulted area in the area corre-  northern Sicily to the attenuated, 10-15 km thick conti-
        sponding to the UEL dextral shear zone. (modified after PEPE et alii,  nental  crust  of  the  southern  Tyrrhenian  Sea.  In  some
        2000). The strike slip movement of the main fault-bounded blocks  places of the Tyrrhenian Sea the thinning process reached
        are inferred from structural data presented in this contribution.  the  oceanization  stage  leading  to  the  formation  of  the
        – (In  alto).  Un  tratto  del  profilo  sismico  NSic1  attraverso  l’Alto  di
        Solunto, nel margine meridionale del Mare Tirreno. Per l’ubicazione  Vavilov and Marsili basins (fig. l; KASTENS et alii, 1987)
        della traccia del profilo vedasi la fig. 1b. (In basso) Interpretazione geo-  where oceanic basalts have been sampled and dated by
        logica  del  profilo  sismico  NSic  mostrante  la  complessa  struttura  a  two  Ocean  Drilling  Program  (ODP)  Leg  at  ~4.1-3.6  Ma
        faglie nell’area corrispondente alla zona di taglio con cinematica destra  and  ~2  Ma  respectively  (SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY,
        del Lineamento Ustica-Eolie (UEL: da PEPE et alii, 2000, con modifiche).
        Il movimento destro lungo le superfici di faglia principali è stato dedotto  1987a, b). This transition is marked by a rise of ~20 km of
        dai dati strutturali illustrati nel presente lavoro.  the Moho depth located under the coastline of northern
                                                              Sicily (SCARASCIA et alii, 1994; see their fig. 9) and charac-
                                                              terised  by  a  lateral  change  from  the  lower  continental
        ern  Tyrrhenian  structures,  illustrated  in  several  studies  crust  under  Sicily  to  an  anomalous  low  velocity  upper
        (GUARNIERI & CARBONE, 2003; GUARNIERI, 2004; LENTINI et  mantle  body  (LENTINI et  alii,  2006;  MANTOVANI et  alii,
        alii, 2006), has though been questioned by some contribu-  2006). PEPE et alii (2000) presented a more precise image
        tions, mainly based on seismic interpretation and deep sea  of the crustal geometry offshore north-western Sicily. The
        drilling data (e.g. see KASTENS et alii, 1988; KASTENS & MA -  Moho rapidly rises from ~26 km depth underneath the
        SCLE, 1990; SARTORI, 1990; PEPE et alii, 2000, among many  Sicily coast up to ~17 km under the Cefalù basin. It deep-
        others), according to which the E-W trending structures are  ens again northward under the Solunto High before shal-
        normal faults, and the southern Tyrrhenian tectonic bound-  lowing up to ~11 km at the continental-ocean boundary.
        ary represents a true passive, i.e. purely extensional, margin.  The  NSic1  seismic  line  (PEPE et  alii,  2000)  shows  two
        The interpretation of the southern Tyrrhenian margin as a  zones  of  substantial  attenuation  thinning:  the  southern
        strike-slip,  or  as  an  extensional  deformation  zone,  is  still  one coinciding with the Cefalù basin, and the northern
        matter of debate, and the data presented below provide new  one  corresponding  to  the  segment  located  between  the
        independent evidence to help unravel the kinematic charac-  Solunto High and the Sisifo volcano. These two zones of
        ter of this boundary. Another major E-W trending structure,  crustal  attenuation  are  well  defined  and  coincide  with
        the  Mt.  Kumeta-Alcantara  Line  (KAL)  onshore  northern  domains of intense faulting. The Cefalù basin presents an
        Sicily, extends for over 300 km, from the Trapani Mts. to  asymmetric shape with the master faults located on its
        Mt. Etna (fig. 1; GHISETTI & VEZZANI, 1984, and references  southern edge and deepening northward, with an appar-
        therein). Detailed structural analyses revealed for this fault  ent purely extensional fault kinematics (PEPE et alii, 2000,
        zone a right-lateral kinematic character (GHISETTI & VEZ-  see their plate 1). One of these master faults is known as
        ZANI, 1984; BARRECA et alii, 2010). In addition to N-S trend-  the Palermo fault and continues onshore Sicily, allowing
        ing  extensional  faults  and  E-W  trending  strike-slip  faults,  detailed kinematic studies as will be discussed in the fol-
        other structures are recognised in the southern Tyrrhenian  lowing section on structural data. Other numerous faults
        Sea margin. Most of these structures trend NW-SE (BOC-  associated with small transtensional basins occur north
        CALETTI et alii, 1982; GUARNIERI, 2004). The most important  of the Solunto High in the area corresponding to the UEL
        one have been named by FINETTI & DEL BEN (1986) as fol-  dextral shear zone (fig. 2). The implications of such a sit-
        lows, from west to east: the Marettimo fault, the Trapani  uation will be discussed later on in the discussion section.
        fault, the San Vito fault, the Palermo fault and the Etna fault  This UEL dextral shear zone is also outlined by a strong
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