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THE SOUTHERN TYRRHENIAN SEA MARGIN                               503

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        F. Vespe and P. Tomasi were very helpful. The European Community  dings in the basins of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Pasiphae
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        This paper is dedicated to the memory of Mario Grasso, whose semi-  RUTIGLIANO P.,  SCIARRETTA C.,  GUEGUEN E.,  BIANCO G.  &
        nal  work  in  stratigraphy,  structure  and  geodynamics  provided  an  VESPE F. (2002) - Geophysical interpretation of geodetic deforma-
        invaluable source of inspiration for many geologists working in the  tions in the central Mediterranean area. In: «Plate Boundary Zones»,
        Meditarranean area.                                      S. Stein & J. Freymueller (Eds), Geodynamics Series, 30, 57-65.
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