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502                                          E. GUEGUEN ET ALII

                                                              Palermo fault seems consistent with the local occurrence,
                                                              along  this  structure,  of  folds  and  thrusts  (fig.  2):  these
                                                              could be regarded as induced by a local transpressional
                                                              deviation from a purely strike-slip deformation.
                                                                 In  addition  to  offset  calculations  inferred  from  slip
                                                              data along the Palermo fault, independent criteria may be
                                                              used to attempt quantify the magnitude of displacement
                                                              accommodated by the entire fault network at the south-
                                                              ern Tyrrhenian Sea margin. Palaeogeographic reconstruc-
                                                              tions of the central Mediterranean area since Oligocene
                                                              time (GUEGUEN et alii, 1998) indicate that the Calabrian
                                                              Massif began to separate from the Corsica-Sardinia block
                                                              in Burdigalian time, and was hence translated eastwards
                                                              to its present-day position by at least 300 km. The strike-
                                                              slip faults of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin, docu-
        Fig. 7 - 3D sketch diagram, not to scale, of the proposed interpretation  mented in this study, appear as the most suitable candi-
        of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin as an extensional strike-slip  dates  to  have  accommodated  this  estimated  dextral
        duplex (STSSD): the NW-SE trending faults connecting the main E-W  displacement  of  the  Calabrian  Massif.  Taken  at  face
        trending boundary faults involve a minor component of extension,
        consistent with the results of fault kinematic analysis.  value,  a  300  km  motion  covered  during  the  last  10  Ma
        – Interpretazione cinematica (illustrata attraverso l’ausilio di un blocco-  may  appear  a  great  displacement  indeed.  This  value,
        diagramma tridimensionale) del margine tirrenico meridionale come  however, seems consistent with the proposed amount of
        un duplex trascorrente destro. I segmenti di faglia con direzione media  400 km for coeval orogenic contraction estimated for the
        NW-SE, che si raccordano con le due principali zone di faglia orientate
        W-E, mostrano una componente minore di deformazione distensiva,  nearby southern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt (PATACCA
        coerente con i risultati dell’analisi cinematica.     et  alii,  1990).  Therefore,  by  simple  analogy  with  the
                                                              amount of contraction proposed for the southern Apen-
                                                              nine belt, we believe that the 300 km of dextral strike-slip
        tum, and calculated a mean stretching factor for the pos-  represents  a  conservative  estimate  of  the  displacement
        tulated  passive  margin.  However,  detailed  analysis  of  taken up by faults of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin.
        structures imaged in the NSic1 depth converted profile   In summary, the results of our analysis point out to a
        (PEPE et alii, 2000, plate 1) reveal that the sediments over-  dextral  strike-slip  origin  for  the  faults  of  the  southern
        lying  the  basement  are  affected  by  contractional  struc-  Tyrrhenian Sea margin. This view supports previous strike-
        tures, namely folds, reverse faults and related thrusts (fig. 2),  slip interpretations by RÉHAULT et alii (1984), GUEGUEN et
        that  are  difficult  to  explain  in  terms  of  purely  exten-  alii (1998), GUARNIERI (2004) and LENTINI et alii (2006).
        sional tectonics. The normal separation that PEPE et alii
        (2000)  inferred  from  their  interpretation  of  the  NSic1  THE SOUTHERN TYRRHENIAN SEA MARGIN: A LITHOSPHERIC-
        depth converted profile (PEPE et alii, 2000, plate 1) indi-
        cate  a  1.8  km  displacement  accommodated  by  the  67°  SCALE STRIKE-SLIP DUPLEX
        NE-dipping Palermo fault. This interpretation, although  The  pattern  of  the  main  structures  of  the  southern
        consistent with the imaged extensional fault separation,  Tyrrhenian Sea margin recognised on a regional tectonic
        appears kinematically poorly constrained because of the  map (fig. 1) defines a major, E-W trending deformation belt
        lack of reliable fault slip data along the main structures  bounded by two main, parallel fault zones, the UEL and
        offshore  northern  Sicily.  On  the  other  hand,  fault  slip  KAL, that are connected by the oblique Marettimo, Trapani,
        data from the inland continuation of these structures in  San Vito, Palermo, Gratteri-Mt. Mufara and Eolie faults.
        the Egadi Islands and in northern Sicily, described in this  The  analysis  of  structural  data  described  in  the  previous
        study, point out to their dextral strike-slip nature, with  sections indicates dominant dextral fault kinematics. The
        only local, minor transtensional and transpressional devi-  resulting picture closely reminds that of a brittle zone of
        ations (e.g. see RENDA et alii, 2000; this study). In particu-  simple shear, where the E-W trending segments represent
        lar, the kinematic data from the Palermo fault make it  the main boundary faults, while the NW-SE trending seg-
        possible  to  calculate  the  offset  accommodated  by  this  ments represent the synthetic connecting faults, i.e. the R
        structure. The transtensional character inferred for this  Riedel  Shears  (i.e.  see  HANCOCK,  1985).  However,  when
        fault, whose mean striation plunges 8° towards N129°E,  seen in detail, the deformation zone appears to deviate from
        may  be  regarded  as  resulting  from  the  combination  of  the  simple  shear  zone  model,  in  that  the  latter  requires
        two  separate  slip  components,  namely  a  major  dextral  strict  parallelism  of  the  main  boundary  faults,  with  no
        strike-slip  component  and  a  minor  extensional  dip  slip  thickness change of the shear zone throughout its length.
        component. If we use this mean plunge value, and com-  The fault map pattern of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea mar-
        bine it with the 1.8 km of vertical separation along the 67°  gin, in fact, exhibits a moderate thickening in its central
        NE-dipping Palermo fault inferred from the NSic1 seis-  zone,  where  the  UEL  and  KAL  boundary  faults  are  con-
        mic line (PEPE et alii, 2000; see their plate 1), we obtain a  nected by the Palermo fault and Gratteri-Mt. Mufara Line
        value  of  11.9  km  of  total  transtensional  displacement,  (see fig. 1). Therefore, as an alternative to the simple shear
        with a value of 11.7 km of horizontal component of dex-  zone  model,  we  believe  that  the  overall  geometry  of  the
        tral strike-slip. Therefore, it appears that the 1.8 km of  southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin is best described by the
        vertical displacement taken up by the Palermo fault just  strike-slip duplex model by WOODCOCK & FISHER (1986).
        represents  the  minor  slip  component,  that  is  very  little  We  indicate  this  structure  as  the  Southern  Tyrrhenian
        with respect to the calculated, total transtensional offset.  Strike-Slip Duplex (STSSD). A conceptual, highly schematic
        Moreover,  our  dextral  strike-slip  interpretation  of  the  3D kinematic model of the STSSD is shown in fig. 7.
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