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THE SOUTHERN TYRRHENIAN SEA MARGIN                               499

        E-W  trending  anomaly  on  the  magnetic  anomalies  map
        (AGIP, 1981; GALDEANO & ROSSIGNOL, 1977). This anom-
        aly terminates eastward against another NW-SE trending
        anomaly that runs from the Eolie Islands to the Taormina
        Line in Sicily. Whereas westwards, it can be related to the
        strong anomalies that outline the North Balearic Fracture
        Zone (NBFZ: MAUFFRET, 1976; AUZENDE et alii, 1978), a
        lithospheric-scale  structure  that  represents  the  southern
        boundary of the Liguro-Provençal Basin. These strong mag-
        netic  anomalies  trend  N130°  (GALDEANO &  ROSSIGNOL,
        1977) and limit to the east the small triangular fan-shape
        anomalies domain that lies southwest of Sardinia. On seis-
        mic lines offshore the Balearic Islands, the NBFZ is clearly
        identified by a remarkable offset in the basement (fig. 3)  Fig.  3  -  Seismic  profile  across  the  North  Balearic  Fracture  Zone
        and  magmatic  bodies  (MAILLARD &  MAUFRET,  1999).  (NBFZ, after MAILLARD et alii, 1999). This section illustrates nicely
        Above this structure the Messinian salt layer is disturbed  the offset of the top of the basement across the NBFZ. Note the pre-
        (GAULLIER, 1993; GUEGUEN, 1995) showing huge elongated  sence of the magmatic intrusion that produces the strong magnetic
                                                              anomalies observed along the entire trace of the NBFZ through the
        salt domes parallel to the fracture zone. The NBFZ has its  Liguro-Provençal basin.
        onshore continuation in the Catalan volcanic province of  – Profilo sismico attraverso la Zona di Frattura Nord-Balearica (NBFZ,
        Spain, which is characterised by middle Miocene to Pre-  da MAILLARD et alii, 1999). Questa sezione illustra efficacemente la
        sent-day alkaline magmatism linked to extensional tecton-  componente verticale del rigetto registrato dal top del basamento attraverso
                                                              le strutture della Zona di Frattura Nord-Balearica. Si noti la presenza
        ics (MARTÌ et alii, 1992). The southern Tyrrhenian Sea mar-  dell’intrusione magmatica che determina le intense anomalie magnetiche
        gin  is  still  very  active  as  shown  by  the  distribution  of  osservabili lungo tutta la traccia della Zona di Frattura Nord-Balearica
        crustal  earthquakes  along  the  coast  of  Northern  Sicily  attraverso il Bacino Ligure-Provenzale.
        (FREPOLI & AMATO, 2000). These authors analysed sparse
        background seismicity data in Italy to investigate the state
        of stress of deformed continental crust and to determine
        the mean orientations of the principal stress axes. In partic-
        ular, they analysed data from the western-central sector of
        northern Sicily, and from the Eolian Islands. Based on a
        compilation of 47 seismic events (22 events for the western-
        central  sector  of  northern  Sicily,  plus  25  events  for  the
        Eolian  Islands  sector),  these  authors  inferred  a  mean
        N99°E direction for the axis of maximum horizontal com-
        pression (s1 max) for western Sicily, and a mean N162°E
        direction for the axis of maximum horizontal compression  Fig. 4 - Structural data from the Marettimo (a), Trapani (b), San Vito
        (s1 max) in the Eolian Islands sector. In spite of local varia-  (c) faults, and from the Gratteri - Mt. Mufara Line (d). Equal area
                                                              projection,  lower  hemisphere.  All  faults  mean  trend  NW-SE  dip
        tions, the orientations of the maximum compression axes  mainly toward NE and subordinately toward SW, and are mainly
        are  well  clustered  around  a  mean  17°  plunge  towards  dextral strike-slip in character, with local transtensional and tran-
        N99°E, and 13° plunge towards N342°E, respectively. As for  spressional components.
        the directions of the minimum compression axes (s3 min),  – Dati strutturali e cinematici (proiezione equiareale, emisfero inferiore)
                                                              raccolti lungo le Faglie di Marettimo (a), di Trapani (b), di San Vito (c)
        they appear to fall within a great circle, indicating a greater  e lungo il Lineamento Gratteri-M. Mufara (d). Tutte le faglie hanno
        variability  than  that  of  the  maximum  compression  axes.  direzione media NW-SE, immergono prevalentemente verso i quadranti
        The mean calculated minimum compression axes plunge   nord-orientali e solo subordinatamente verso i quadranti sud-occidentali,
        55° towards N215°E, and 37° towards N82°E, for western  e sono caratterizzate da una cinematica di tipo trascorrente destro, con
                                                              occasionali componenti di deformazione transtensiva e transpressiva.
        Sicily and the Eolian Islands, respectively.

                                                              who  first  recognised  dextral  strike-slip  deformations  (see
           The NW-SE trending faults of the southern Tyrrhenian  also LENTINI et alii, 2006). One main difference with previ-
        Sea  margin,  i.e.  the  Marettimo,  Trapani,  San  Vito  and  ous contributions is that the latter also considered faults that
        Palermo faults, are magnificently exposed in northern Sicily  were active during the uppermost Pliocene time.
        and in the Egadi Islands, thus providing an excellent oppor-  By  contrast  with  the  exhaustive  datasets  from  the
        tunity  to  define  their  kinematics  by  means  of  structural  Marettimo, Trapani and San Vito faults, to date compara-
        investigations (LENTINI et alii, 2006). In order to unravel the  tively little information is available on the kinematics of
        recent evolution of northern Sicily, we studied selected stru -  the Palermo fault. Therefore, our structural analysis was
        ctures along, or in the immediate vicinities of these major  mainly focused on the orientation and kinematics of this
        faults, and restricted our analysis to faults that offset Plei -  fault  and  associated  minor  fabrics.  The  scale  of  recog-
        stocene or younger deposits. Measurements of orientation  nised structures related to the Palermo fault ranges from
        data such as mechanical striations and shear fibres along the  macroscopic to mesoscopic. In general, minor structures
        Marettimo, Trapani and San Vito faults indicate a mean dex-  are particularly abundant in the immediate vicinities of
        tral strike-slip character, with both minor transtensional and  the major fault surface, where important cataclastic belts
        transpressional components (fig. 4). These data are in broad  are  developed.  The  main  recognised  minor  structures
        agreement with the results of previous analyses by NIGRO et  consist  of  shear  and  extension  fractures,  pinnate  joints
        alii (2000), RENDA et alii (1999, 2000) and GUARNIERI (2004),  and calcite veins, that are frequently developed within the
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