Page 10 - Morticelli_et_al2016
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Downloaded by [Universita di Palermo] at 02:49 07 January 2016  to extensional tectonics, as supported by the slightly     structures reactivated often previous (Mesozoic) exten-
                                                                divergent stratal pattern.                                 sional faults. A subsequent transpressive tectonic event,
                                                                                                                           characterized by NNW–SSE right-transpressive faults,
                                                                   The development of the tectonic subsidence, and the     displaced the older tectonic geometries and structures
                                                                related dismembering of the carbonate platform mar-        driving the Island to the present tectonic setting.
                                                                gins continued up to the Malm-Early Cretaceous, as
                                                                shown by the unconformity surface separating the              Sea-level changes that occurred in the middle-late
                                                                Marettimo Formation from the Monte Falcone For-            Pleistocene, due to global climate change, have produced
                                                                mation (Figure 3) and the other stratigraphic features     repeated oscillations of the shoreline position at intervals
                                                                of the Falcone succession.                                 of about 100 and 20 ky. These shifts of the shoreline
                                                                                                                           determined the periodic emergence and subsequent
                                                                   Normal faulting proceeded in the early Liassic (Fal-    flooding of areas of continental shelf over which late Qua-
                                                                cone succession), leading to the thinning of the Jurassic  ternary coastal deposits were in turn accumulated
                                                                platform and settling of the slope environment, with       (during the rise of sea level) and dismantled (in whole
                                                                accumulation of a thick wedge of resedimented depos-       or in part), during the lowering of sea level.
                                                                its (Figure 2(c)). We consider the upper portion of the
                                                                Falcone succession to be a slope-to-basin sequence (see       These oscillations of sea level and the related to
                                                                stratigraphic columns in the Geological map). Liassic      shifting of the shoreline are the origin of vertical and
                                                                platform-derived clasts in the resedimented wedge of       lateral stacking of alternating marine and continental
                                                                Punta Troia (MFA1–2), settled in a slope (periplatform     deposits around Marettimo Island (Figure 5) and well
                                                                talus or base-of-slope apron, Bosellini, 1991) close to a  exposed in the Punta Troia area (Figure 5(a)–(c)).
                                                                fault-bounded carbonate platform edge (Mullins &
                                                                Neumann, 1979). The Dolomites and dolomitic marl              Because global sea-level curves reconstructed for the
                                                                alternations (MFA3) of the Falcone Formation accu-         middle-late Pleistocene (Shackleton, 2000) suggest that
                                                                mulated in more distal areas.                              sea level reached up to the Mediterranean platforms
                                                                                                                           during highstand stages before the present day and
                                                                   During the late Liassic-Dogger, progressive deepen-     were almost equal to or a few meters higher than the
                                                                ing due to the extensional faults (Figure 6(c)) accounted  current level (Ferranti et al., 2006). Possible deviations
                                                                for widespread pelagic sedimentation, and cherty lime-     of position of the last highstand littoral deposits from
                                                                stones (PZS) covering the slope deposits (MFA) or rests    altitudes close to the present day sea level should be
                                                                directly on the shallow-water limestone (MAR). During      attributed to tectonic processes of uplift or subsidence.
                                                                the Liassic-Dogger interval, the inner sectors of slope
                                                                were undernourished and Fe–Mn oxy-hydroxide                   In the Egadi Islands on the whole, including Maret-
                                                                encrusted surfaces formed. These surfaces, considered      timo Island, coastal deposits of Tyrrhenian age out
                                                                an inherited rock ground (sensu Clari, Dela Pierre, &      crop at about 5–10 m above sea level (see also Abate
                                                                Martire, 1995), directly cover the inner slope conglom-    Buccheri, Renda, & Incandela, 1996; Antonioli
                                                                erates (MFA1), according to the Bahamian-type carbon-      Renda, Silenzi, Verrubbi, & Parello, 1998), supporting
                                                                ate-slope bypass (Schlager & Ginsburg, 1981).              the absence of tectonic vertical movement during the
                                                                                                                           last 100 ky. Therefore, the uplift recorded by the conti-
                                                                   During the Malm-Early Cretaceous, a hemipelagic         nental shelf of Marettimo show that Plio-Pleistocene
                                                                environment was established, and respective deposits       tectonics have stopped, or have significantly deceler-
                                                                (Argilliti di Punta Troia, APT) covered, along a but-      ated, since the Tyrrhenian (5e O2 isotopic stage).
                                                                tress unconformity (sensu Davis and Reynolds, 1996;
                                                                Figure 6(c) and 6(d)), cherty limestones (PZS For-         Software
                                                                mation), the encrusted surfaces and the conglomerates
                                                                and breccias of the MFA Formation. The calcareous          The geological map was compiled using Esri ArcGIS
                                                                turbidites interbedded in the APT deposits around          and Global Mapper, with additional refinement using
                                                                Punta Troia (Figure 2(a)) indicate this sector close to    Adobe Illustrator. Daisy 2.0 was used to produce the
                                                                be an active slope. The local buttress unconformity        stereonet plots (Salvini, 2001).
                                                                among the APT and their substrate demonstrates
                                                                that the extensional tectonics were active up to the       Acknowledgments
                                                                APT deposition.
                                                                                                                           We wish to thank J. Abraham, S. Corrado and M.R. Barchi
                                                                7.2 Neogene to quaternary tectonic evolution               for useful review of the manuscript.

                                                                During the Miocene compressional event, the Maret-         Disclosure statement
                                                                timo domain was involved in the Sicilian-Maghrebian
                                                                mountain building. Two main tectonic units (Bassano        No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
                                                                and Falcone Units) were stacked along a SE-verging
                                                                thrust. The syncline along the Punta Bassano promon-
                                                                tory is related to this deformation. The compressional
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