Page 9 - Morticelli_et_al2016
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Downloaded by [Universita di Palermo] at 02:49 07 January 2016  Figure 7. (a) Thrust fault (red line) close to the contact among the Falcone unit (FU) and the Bassano unit in the Pizzo Spirone area
                                                                (FGC: Fine-Grained Cataclasites); (b) SE verging fold growing above a low-angle décollement surface recognized in the thrust fault
                                                                hanging-wall (Falcone unit).

                                                                water domain characterized by algal mats (Figure 2(g)    environment with restricted circulation (see also Mar-
                                                                and 2(h)) with evaporitic deposition was periodically    tini, et al., 2007; C and MA in Figure 4). Shallow-water
                                                                flooded by high-energy normal water, forming scour        marls and marly limestone followed upwards.
                                                                base intraformational breccias (BC in Figure 4). Facies
                                                                analysis points to a moderate-energy lagoonal               Their thickness increases SEward (see Bassano suc-
                                                                                                                         cession vs. Falcone succession in Figure 2) in response

                                                                Figure 8. (a) The major syncline structure recognized along the Punta Bassano promontory; (b) and (c) minor folds compatible with
                                                                a syncline hinge zone.
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