Page 7 - Morticelli_et_al2016
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Downloaded by [Universita di Palermo] at 02:49 07 January 2016  (a) and 5(b)). We also found interbedded at different      Scattered patches of Holocene sediments unconform-
                                                                levels decimetric thick red palaeosols (Figure 5(i) and    ably overlie the Meso-Cenozoic rocks. They consist
                                                                5(l)), made up of siltites and sandy clays with rare cen-  of mostly calcareous, very coarse to medium-sized
                                                                timetric carbonatic clasts. A palaeosols layer separates   sands with gravelly lithoclasts and bioclasts made
                                                                the lower cemented carbonatic breccias and megabrec-       up of algal nodules and skeletal grains (mostly
                                                                cias (DETb) from the overlying red, not cemented           bivalves, gastropods and bryozoans).
                                                                levels (DETa; Figure 5(d)), as shown along the trail
                                                                from Punta Troia to Marettimo village, in the Punta           In the innermost sector of the continental shelf (0–
                                                                Troia fan (Figure 5(a)), near the cemetery, and close      20 m of water depth), a ring of the Mesozoic carbonate
                                                                to the village.                                            rocks outcrop on the very rough sea-bed, characterized
                                                                                                                           by a number of several meter-high cliffs, at the base of
                                                                4.2.2 Marine coastal deposits                              which boulders, up to 20 m in size, have accumulated
                                                                Between 0 and 10 m a. s.l., we found very thin levels of   (Lo Iacono, 2003). Along the southern sector of the
                                                                marine coastal deposits, composed of polygenic, grain-     island, thin beds of the Marettimo Formation can be
                                                                supported, fossil-bearing (mainly bivalves and gastro-     detected along the submerged coastal belt. Off the east-
                                                                pods) conglomerates (Figure 5(e)). They pass upwards       ern coast, isolated carbonate relief of the Marettimo
                                                                to micro-conglomerates and sands with reddish matrix       Formation outcrop at Scoglio del Cimitero and il Cam-
                                                                and faunas (Patella ferruginea, Conus testudinarius        mello. Wave cut platforms are very narrow, a few
                                                                (SIT); Figure 5(f) and 5(g)) of the MIS 5.5                meters wide or totally absent.
                                                                                                                              On the whole, the coast shows bluff or cliff mor-
                                                                   At Punta Troia, at Case Martorana, along the coast      phologies with only several very small pocket beaches.
                                                                between the village and the cemetery, and at Punta         More vertical and higher (up to some tens of meters)
                                                                Galera (Main Map), a marine coastal wedge with Tyr-        cliffs coincide with the Monte Falcone Formation out-
                                                                rhenian fauna is interbedded between the cemented          crops (e.g. Punta Bombarda, Punta Pegna).
                                                                alluvial fan deposits and the overlying more recent
                                                                not cemented continental deposits (Figure 5(c) and 5       6. Structural analysis
                                                                (h)). On the shore near Molo Nuovo a yellow fossil-
                                                                bearing calcarenitic layer underlies the older alluvial    Currently, the Marettimo structural edifice can be
                                                                fan cemented deposit (MRS; Figure 5(d)).                   described as a portion of a tectonic wedge, which con-
                                                                                                                           sists of two tectonic units (Bassano unit and Falcone
                                                                5. Marettimo offshore                                      unit) characterized by a southeastward direction of
                                                                The continental shelf off Marettimo Island is
                                                                bounded by a sharp shelf-break located between 80             Folding and faulting patterns were analysed at many
                                                                and 140 m of depth (Main Map); it displays an              sectors of the island (Main Map). The structural analy-
                                                                approximate rhombohedric shape in plan view that           sis, concerning bedding, axial plane stylolite cleavage,
                                                                suggests structural control by NW-SE- and WNW-             extensional veins, slickenlines and crystal fiber linea-
                                                                ESE-trending faults. The shelf is up to 13 km wide         tion, allowed recognition three different tectonic events
                                                                southwards but only 2–3 km wide off the western,           and associated structures: the extensional, compres-
                                                                northern and eastern coasts. This area is a very           sional and transpressional events.
                                                                young, undernourished platform with a number of
                                                                bathymetric breaks-of-slope and well-preserved mor-        6.1 Extensional event
                                                                phological features such as palaeo-cliffs, rills and iso-
                                                                lated relief (Lo Iacono, 2003).                            ENE-WSW normal faults, southwards-dipping and
                                                                                                                           displaying local syntectonic geometries, affect the car-
                                                                   The continental shelf is characterized by a wide-       bonate rocks of MAR, around the cemetery (Figure 6
                                                                spread surface of marine erosion, scoured on the           (a) and 6(b)). On the Punta Troia promontory (Main
                                                                Meso-Cenozoic. This erosional surface, separating the      Map), the Jurassic carbonates and dolomites of the Fal-
                                                                Holocene from older rocks, has a polygenetic origin        cone Unit are displaced by high-angle ENE-WSW nor-
                                                                related to the last glacio-eustatic fluctuation that        mal faults. The fault planes affecting the Liassic
                                                                occurred in the last 100 ky.                               conglomerates and breccias (MFA1–2) are covered by
                                                                                                                           the marls and radiolaria-bearing marly limestone
                                                                   Data from seismo-acoustic profiles and scuba-div-        (APT) along buttress unconformity surfaces (Figure 6
                                                                ing observation (; Agate et al., 2005;       (c) and 6(d)). Another effect of the extensional stress
                                                                Catalano et al., 1993; Hermand et al., 2000) allow the     field is the ENE–WSW alignment of basaltic rocks
                                                                recognition of submerged outcrops of carbonate             inside the Triassic marls of the Marettimo Formation
                                                                Mesozoic rocks (MAR, MFA) and terrigenous                  (MARb) in the Bassano succession (Main Map).
                                                                Oligo-Miocene rocks (FOR) unconformably covered
                                                                by Plio-Pleistocene deposits (NO, ISD, OSD).
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