Page 6 - Morticelli_et_al2016
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Downloaded by [Universita di Palermo] at 02:49 07 January 2016  (e) breccias and calcarenites (BC); they are 1-m-thick        At the base, a decametric interval of white-pink, in
                                                                     intraformational breccias composed of elements of     places hazel, Liassic massive dolomites and dolomitic
                                                                     laminated limestone and stromatolites with a yel-     breccias with elements of algal laminites, stromatolites
                                                                     lowish marly matrix, becoming upwards coarse          and loferitic limestone, is considered the proximal
                                                                     to fine calcarenites with evaporates levels.           portion of the Monte Falcone Formation (MFA1).
                                                                                                                           They are uncomformably overlain by thick mega-con-
                                                                (f) very altered greenish basalts (ß).                     glomerates and breccias with m-thick elements of grey-
                                                                                                                           white stromatolites, loferitic limestone and algal lami-
                                                       The Punta Libeccio stratigraphic section. The      nites (MFA2). Upper Liassic-Dogger grey limestone
                                                                Punta Libeccio stratigraphic section displays the Bas-     (Scaturro Formation, PZS) follow upwards above a
                                                                sano succession with very low thickness. At Cala           buried boundary. At the top of the Punta Troia pro-
                                                                Nera (Main Map), grey-whitish to black bituminous          montory, the MFA2 are bounded by an iron-encrusted
                                                                limestone and dolomitic limestone, bearing algal lami-     surface. This hard ground is onlapped by red-green
                                                                nites with fenestral porosity, desiccation structures and  shales with radiolarians, silicified limestone and spon-
                                                                loferitic breccias (MARa), are organized in well-strati-   golitic marls (Argilliti di Punta Troia, APT), with 50
                                                                fied beds; the thickness is not measureable being at        cm-thick layers of breccias, passing gradually from
                                                                the bottom and not outcropping. These rocks are over-      coarse to fine grey-yellowish calcarenites. The total
                                                                lain, throughout a reddish oxide-encrusted surface, by     thickness is 20–30 m.
                                                                interbedded marls (MA), laminated marly limestone
                                                                (CML), and laminated limestone (CL). This lithologic       4.2 Quaternary deposits
                                                                interval, here only 10-m thick, is correlated to the
                                                                upper portion of the Marettimo Formation (MARb−c)          At the base of the steep carbonatic slopes of the north-
                                                                outcropping along the Conca succession. The basal          eastern coast of the island (Main Map), a continuous
                                                                marly layers are very bituminous, decreasing upwards.      wedge of alluvial fans occur. Seaward, they show lateral
                                                                At the top, tens of meters thick grey-whitish limestone,   facies variation into Pleistocene marine deposits lying
                                                                with black chert bands and nodules (Scaturro For-          discontinuously over the Mesozoic substratum.
                                                                mation) are well stratified in centimetric layers.
                                                                                                                           4.2.1 Continental deposits
                                                       The Punta Troia stratigraphic section. Along       They are mainly grain-supported breccias and mega-
                                                                the trail towards the top of the Punta Troia headland      breccias, cemented or not, alternating with coarse
                                                                (Main Map), the Jurassic–Cretaceous succession of          sands with silty matrix, often reddish (DETa). The
                                                                the Falcone Unit is outcropping.                           geometry and texture of these deposits are typical of
                                                                                                                           alluvial fans with seaward-dipping clynoforms (Figure 5

                                                                Figure 5. Composite stratigraphic section showing architecture and geometry relationships between continental and littoral upper
                                                                Quaternary deposits. See text for more detail.
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