Page 8 - Morticelli_et_al2016
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Downloaded by [Universita di Palermo] at 02:49 07 January 2016  Figure 6. (a) ENE-WSW syn-depositional normal fault; locally divergent stratal pattern is recognized in marly layers (b); Marettimo
                                                                Formation, Cemetery locality. (c) ENE–WSW normal faults separating the Monte Falcone Formation (MFA; Lias) from the Argilliti di
                                                                Punta Troia (APT; Malm – lower Cretaceous) along a buttress unconformity surface sensu Davis and Reynolds (1996) cropping-out at
                                                                Punta Troia promontory (d).

                                                                6.2 Compressional event                                   transpressional and the compressive inherited struc-
                                                                                                                          tures is also well documented. The most striking effect
                                                                In the Pizzo Spirone area (Main Map), the Falcone unit    of this interference is the exhumation and re-defor-
                                                                thrusts over the Bassano Unit along a WNW- to NW-         mation of the pre-existing tectonic structures. The
                                                                dipping fault plane; here, thrust faults are associated   hinge of the syncline structure (Figure 8(a) and 8(b))
                                                                with fine-grained cataclasites (Figure 7(a)). Towards the  observed in the southern sector of the island (between
                                                                thrust forelimb, duplex structures and minor anticlines   the Posaturo and Conca area, Main Map) displays a
                                                                show a southeastward transport direction (Figure 7(b)).   clockwise rotation, while the axial plane is not much
                                                                                                                          inclined and locally southward-dipping. On the Cala
                                                                   Along the Punta Bassano promontory, minor asym-        Marino side, a NNW–SSE dextral high-angle transpres-
                                                                metric folds with an ENE–WSW axis (Figure 8(b)) in        sive fault uplifted and re-deformed the syncline struc-
                                                                the Bassano Unit are associated with the reverse flank     ture (see geological cross section in the Main Map).
                                                                of a SE-verging syncline (Figure 8(a)). Similar NE–
                                                                SW asymmetric folds are also well exposed in the Posa-    7. Discussion and conclusions
                                                                turo. Symmetric folds compatible with a major syncline
                                                                hinge zone are locally documented (Figure 8(c)). The      7.1 Tectono-sedimentary evolution during the
                                                                structural analysis evidences a major syncline, with      Mesozoic interval
                                                                NE-SW axis, compatible with the SE-verging thrust.
                                                                The hinge zone of the syncline is partially cropping-     Stratal pattern and facies analysis contributed to locat-
                                                                out along the apparent monocline of Punta Bassano         ing the Mesozoic Marettimo succession in a portion
                                                                promontory (Main Map).                                    (which we propose to call the Marettimo domain) of
                                                                                                                          the southern margin of the Tethyan ocean, character-
                                                                6.3. Transpressional event                                ized since the Triassic by a wide carbonate platform
                                                                NNW–SSE trending, right-lateral high-angle faults and
                                                                cylindrical folds characterized by high-angle plunging       The middle-upper Triassic Marettimo formation
                                                                document this tectonic event. The high-angle faults,      deposited in a peritidal sector of a carbonate platform,
                                                                with 0–30° slickenline rake, are compatible with a N–     which was controlled by SSE-ward dipping syn-
                                                                S σ1 orientation. The interference among the              sedimentary normal faults (Figure 6). A very shallow-
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