Page 5 - Morticelli_et_al2016
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                                                                Figure 4. Stratigraphic log of the Conca succession (Marettimo Formation). See text for more detail.

                                                       The Conca stratigraphic section. Along the               porosity, algal laminites with black bituminous
                                                                Punta Bassano headland (Main Map), 140-m-thick                   loferitic breccias;
                                                                alternating carbonates, marly calcilutites and marls out-   (c) marly laminated limestone (CML), grey-yellowish
                                                                crop (MARb−c) are observed. The age is late Carnian –            and bituminuos in places, in centimetric thin-
                                                                early Rhaetian. Based on composition, grain size, and            layered levels. Grey-yellowish thin-layered clayey
                                                                fossils, we distinguished six main lithofacies (Figure 4):       marls (MA), with oligotipic ostracod faunas;

                                                                (a) grey micritic limestone (CM), often dolomitized         (d) calcilutites and marly calcilutites with ‘lumachelle’
                                                                     and organized in a thick layer with abundant                (C), grey-yellowish to hazel, with large shells (mol-
                                                                     pressure-solution stylolites; at places, pseudomorfs        luscs and brachiopods gastropods), whose casts
                                                                     of gypsum are present;                                      and marks are evident above the stratal surfaces;
                                                                                                                                 they are interbedded with the marls in centimetric
                                                                (b) laminated limestone (CL), laminated grey calcilu-            levels.
                                                                     tites, black recrystallized limestone with fenestral
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