Page 3 - Morticelli_et_al2016
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                                                                Figure 2. Stratigraphic chart of the Marettimo Island succession and pictures of representative sedimentary facies. See text for

                                                                   (c) well-stratified fine-grained dolomites, dolomitic     and bivalves (Bositra sp.); chert nodules and
                                                                        limestone and dolomitic marls (MFA3, cropping      bands are very abundant (Figure 2(b)). These
                                                                        out at Monte Falcone and Punta Bassano; Main       rocks rest on the Monte Falcone Formation
                                                                        Map).                                              along an unconformity and locally outcrop in
                                                                                                                           the Punta Troia promontory and on the western
                                                                   The Monte Falcone Formation overlies the Maret-         side of Monte Falcone (Main Map).
                                                                timo Formation along a widespread erosive unconfor-     . Argilliti di Punta Troia (APT): reddish to green-
                                                                mity (Figure 3).                                           ish cherty marls, marly limestone, marls and
                                                                                                                           radiolarites (Figure 2(a)); thin-bedded carbonate
                                                                . Scaturro Formation (PZS): light grey to white            turbidite sequences (Ta-c of Bouma), with chert
                                                                   pelagic limestone with ammonoids, belemnoids            nodules and layers frequently interbedded
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