Page 4 - Morticelli_et_al2016
P. 4


                                                                Figure 3. Unconformity surface among the Monte Falcone Formation (MFA3) and Marettimo Formation (MARd). Punta Bombarda,
                                                                western coast of the island.

Downloaded by [Universita di Palermo] at 02:49 07 January 2016  4.1.2 Stratigraphy of the Bassano succession                  (1) Porto-Cimitero stratigraphic section: highlights
                                                                From the bottom, it is formed by:                                  the sedimentary features of the middle-upper
                                                                                                                                   part of the Marettimo Formation and its gradual
                                                                . Marettimo Formation (MARa): it shows the character-              transition to the marly interval;
                                                                   istics previously described, but yellow to brownish,
                                                                   thin-bedded marls and marly limestone are upward           (2) Conca stratigraphic section: this allows under-
                                                                   interbedded to the shallow-water limestone and dolo-            standing of the depositional environment and
                                                                   mites (Figure 2(d) and 2(e)). Their thickness notably           interaction between tectonics and eustasy;
                                                                   increases along the Punta Bassano promontory (Main
                                                                   Map). Here, 140 m-thick marls, marly limestone, shelly     (3) Punta Libeccio stratigraphic section: this was ana-
                                                                   limestone and dolomitic limestone are exposed. Intra-           lysed for the relationships between the lithostrati-
                                                                   formational breccias, with scour base, are frequently           graphic units composing the Bassano succession and
                                                                   interbedded with the marly deposits (MARc). The
                                                                   elements are represented by centimetric, angular, shal-    (4) Punta Troìa stratigraphic section: this displays the
                                                                   low-water limestone, with enterolithic structures, sur-         link between extensional tectonics and environ-
                                                                   rounded by light brownish silt matrix (Figure 4). The           mental changes.
                                                                   top of the Marettimo Formation is represented by a
                                                                   dark grey-laminated limestone and dolomitic limestone         The first three sections pertain to the Bassano Suc-
                                                                   with fenestrae and tepee-like structures (MARc).           cession, the fourth to the Falcone Succession.

                                                                   Basaltic rocks were observed in the middle portion The Porto-Cimitero stratigraphic section.
                                                                of MAR, along the Punta Bassano promontory and                Along the coast from Marettimo village to Punta Bas-
                                                                around the La Conca area.                                     sano (Main Map), 130-m-thick shallow-water carbon-
                                                                                                                              ates exhibit lithological variation upwards that indicate
                                                                   This formation widely crops out along the eastern          two main facies associations:
                                                                coast of the Island, along the Punta Bassano promon-
                                                                tory and in the Punta Libeccio area.                          (a) blackish bituminous stromatolites, dolomitic
                                                                                                                                   limestone and dolomites, algal laminites up to
                                                                . Monte Falcone Formation: massive beds of fine-                    1 m-bedded; they show fenestral porosity and
                                                                   grained dolomite and dolomitic limestone outcrop-               desiccation structures as loferitic breccias and
                                                                   ping at Punta Bassano (MFA3).                                   tepee-like structures (Figure 2(e), 2(g) and 2
                                                                                                                                   (h)). At places, calcarenites and laminated lime-
                                                                . Scaturro Formation (PZS): shows the characteristics              stone are intebedded. The outcropping thickness
                                                                   previously described. It crops out in the Punta Libeccio.       is 60 m;

                                                                4.1.3 Stratigraphic sections                                  (b) stromatolites, dolomitic limestone and dolo-
                                                                In order to better constrain the stratigraphic and struc-          mites, algal laminites, interbedded with yellowish
                                                                tural setting, we analysed four representative strati-             marls and yellow-blackish bituminous marly
                                                                graphic sections:                                                  calcilutites; the thickness and frequency of
                                                                                                                                   marly intercalations increase upwards, and are
                                                                                                                                   predominant at the top. The thickness is up to
                                                                                                                                   70 m.
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