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L. de Santoli et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 8 (2014) 42–56                                    43


a       axial induction factor                                                Abbreviations
A       carbon intensity                                                      CFD computational fluid dynamic analysis
        carbon dioxide savings amount
CI      power coefficient                                                      EU European Union
        electric energy
CO2sav  operation hours                                                       EWEA European Wind Energy Association
Cp      equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level
E       power                                                                 GHG greenhouse gas emissions
        sound pressure
h       reference sound pressure                                              HAWT horizontal-axis wind turbines
        rotor power
LAeq    wind turbine net electrical power                                     IEA International Energy Agency
P       time
        exposure period                                                       IMED Italian Ministry of Economic Development
ps      speed
ps0     inlet speed                                                           IMELS Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea
PT      middle section speed
Pel     Watt                                                                  IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
                                                                              LCA Life Cycle Assessment
                                                                              PV photovoltaic system
                                                                              VAWT vertical-axis wind turbine
Um                                                                            WMO World Meteorological Organization
                                                                              Greek symbol

                                                                              gmecc         wind turbine mechanical efficiency
                                                                              gel           wind turbine electrical efficiency
                                                                              q             density

                                                                              DU difference in speed

installations number of small wind turbines. It is clear that this                The main aim this research was to develop an eco-friendly
enhancement is not comparable to that of other countries, such                energy production system for natural protected areas which was
as China, USA and other EU countries. For example, in England, in             able to take advantage of winds at low speed. In particular, the
2012, 3715 small wind (0–100 kW) turbines were installed [7]. In              research focused the attention on an innovative prototype verti-
Table 2, data related to the small wind turbines installations in             cal-axis micro wind turbine. Moreover, in order to facilitate its
Italy during the last years were reported.                                    installation in areas where the electrical grid is unavailable, the
                                                                              AM300 was realized for both on-grid and off-grid applications
    These energy devices are used all around the world in a wide              (see Fig. 1).
range of applications and contexts such as in urban and residential
areas [9–11], in rural environments [12] and in isolated and remote               In order to evaluate the energy potential production of the
areas [13]. Even though the contribution of wind energy source for            AM300 prototype, a computational fluid dynamic analysis and
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change               in situ measurements were conducted. Furthermore, an environ-
is extensively recognized, there are not many scientific studies that          mental impact assessment was realized starting from previous
analyze locally environmental pressures of small scale wind energy            studies on environmental impacts analysis and mitigation tech-
devices on the surrounding areas. Furthermore, in a distributed               niques in natural protected areas [20–21]. Finally, in order to
generation deployment context, micro wind turbines can be inter-              emphasize the obtained energy results, an energy assessment
connected within smart grids in order to achieve a significant pri-            and CO2 savings analysis in the Favignana island were realized.
mary energy saving and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
[14]. Moreover, effective storage systems are required to mitigate            Methods: AM300 prototype description and energy issues
the mismatching between electrical needs and productions due
to the fact that it is not possible to exactly estimate the electrical        Prototype description
production from wind energy source. The renewable hydrogen rep-
resents a viable clean storage solution which offers several applica-              The wind turbine net electrical power (Pel) reads as:
tions such as hydrogen enriched natural gas blends (H2NG) and the
deferred load meeting by fuel cell integration [15–19].                       Pel  ¼  1  q  AU 3 C p  gmecc  gel                          ð1Þ
    In this framework, this paper reports the preliminary energy
results and environmental impact assessment of a micro wind tur-              where:
bine prototype, called AM300. This micro aerogenerator was real-
ized during a research project carried out by the Interdisciplinary             gmecc is the wind turbine mechanical efficiency;
Centre for Landscape, Building, Conservation, Environment (CITER-               gel is the wind turbine electrical efficiency;
A) of Sapienza University of Rome, with the collaboration of a pri-             q is the air density;
vate company and the financial support of the Italian Ministry for
the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS).                                          A is the rotor projected area;
                                                                                U is the wind speed;
                                                                                Cp is the rotor power (PT) to wind power ratio.

Table 1                                                                           It is noteworthy that Pel is proportional to the wind speed cubed
Incentive scheme for wind power plants in Italy [6].                          [22]. This implies that for a slight wind speed increase a greater
                                                                              power value is achievable.
Power (kW)       Lifetime of the plants (yr)          Incentive fee (€/MW h)
                                                                                  Hence, in order to increase the inlet wind speed close to the
1 < P 6 20       20                                   291                     rotor blades, an artificial speed up can be applied. Consequently,
20 < P 6 200     20                                   268                     a convergent duct was integrated in a commercial micro wind tur-
200 < P 6 1000   20                                   149                     bine (see Fig. 2).
1000 < P 6 5000  20                                   135
P > 5000         20                                   127                         As it is well known, the Venturi effect leads to a fluid speed
                                                                              enhancement corresponding to the narrower section (where
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