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44 L. de Santoli et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 8 (2014) 42–56

Table 2
Number of small wind systems (0–200 kW) installed in Italy per year [8].

Year                    2005                   2006                       2007  2008              2009  2010      2011  2012
Number of wind systems  4                      1                          1     0                 0     157       244   158

                        Fig. 1. Scheme of the on-grid and off-grid applications of the wind-solar hybrid system.

                                                     Fig. 2. A plan view of the AM300 prototype.

turbine was constrained) [23]. Thanks to the speed up effect                    was adopted. Table 3 shows the main technical characteristics of
offered by the convergent duct, the prototype provides a higher                 the AM300 prototype.
electrical power.
                                                                                    The convergent duct was realized by a steel cage structure cov-
    In order to realized a wind prototype suitable for site with low            ered by polymeric panels. The duct extreme transverse sections
wind speed, as well as in sites with high turbulence like urban                 have a width of 8 m and 6 m. Fig. 3 shows the AM300 duct and
areas, a VAWT (vertical axis wind turbine) was chosen. In fact,                 rotor.
many authors reported that the VAWTs offer better solutions for
harnessing wind energy [24–28]. Specifically, a H-Darrieus rotor                     In order to guarantee that the turbine can rotate in the wind
                                                                                direction, the prototype was equipped with both a system of reve-
Table 3                                              3.7                        lation of wind direction and a rotation mechanism. Moreover, the
Technical characteristics of AM300 prototype.        3.3                        wind turbine was located on a metallic tripod and anchored to
                                                     2                          the ground by three concrete plinths (Fig. 4).
    Technical characteristics                        360
                                                     16                             The electric generator is a multi-polar and it was equipped with
    Generator nominal power (kW)                                                a load control system. This technology allows to produce an elec-
    Rotor diameter (m)                                                          tric energy with constant voltage in any work conditions. This con-
    Rotor height (m)                                                            figuration guarantees to feed directly a single load or to input
    Carter rotation (°)                                                         electric energy into the grid. In particular, the control system
    Flow area intercepted (m2)                                                  adapts the voltage and the frequency of the electric energy pro-
                                                                                duced to levels required by the grid. Otherwise, if the electric grid
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