Page 16 - Franzitta_et_alii_2017
P. 16

Sustainability 2017, 9, 106                                                        16 of 19

                                             Table 11. Initial costs of the wave farm.

                                    Item Cost                   €/kW                   €
                           On-shore transformers and grid        18                  28,800
                                     Cables                      12                  19,200
                                    Mooring                      75                 120,000
                                Building/facilities              150                240,000
                                 Installation work               35                  56,000
                             Sea wave energy converters         2500                4,000,000
                                      Total                     2790                4,464,000

                     Finally, Table 12 reports the initial costs estimated for the realization of the hydrogen station.
                The unitary costs are expressed in function of daily production capability of hydrogen [30]. In particular,
                as reported in Table 5, the annual hydrogen demand estimated is equal to 318,588 kg/year. Fixing
                the annual availability to 0.97 and considering an increase in the total capacity of 20%, the hydrogen
                station has a rated capability of about 1080 kg/day.

                                          Table 12. Initial costs of the hydrogen station.

                                       Item Cost            €/kg Day             €
                                       Building               310             334,740
                                      Compressor              330             356,336
                                      Electrolyzer            1320            1,425,345
                                        Vessel                1050            1,133,797
                                        Others                 50              53,990
                                         Total                3060            3,304,209

                     As regards the operative and maintenance costs, we consider the values reported in Table 13.

                                           Table 13. Operative and maintenance costs.

                                                        Unitary Costs           Annual Costs
                                Wave farm               55 €/(kW-year)            €181,500
                                 Wind farm              47 €/(kW-year)            €155,100
                            Biomass power plant         98 €/(kW-year)            €117,600
                              Hydrogen station        48 €·day/(kg-year)           €52,068

                     Figure 15 shows two important results: the production of hydrogen by an own-power plant
                supplied by renewable sources is not economically viable (at least in the absence of incentives) because
                the avoided cost of diesel purchase does not pay the initial investment in a reasonable period; the
                hypothesis B shows that the purchase of electrical energy for the production of hydrogen is very high,
                in fact, in just five years the two different scenarios have the same discounted cash flow.
                     For these reasons, we simulate a third hypothesis, characterized by a greater power plant by
                renewable sources, in order to sell the electrical surplus and reduce the breakeven time of the project.
                In this hypothesis (C), we fixed the installed power by biomass (for reasons of availability of this
                resource) and increased the installed power by wind and sea wave. In particular, the power produced
                by wave and wind plants was doubled (6.6 MW for the wind farm and 3.2 MW for sea wave).
                     Thanks to the selling of the electrical energy surplus, in the last hypothesis, the breakeven time
                is about 14 years (see Figure 16). Of course, the breakeven time can be further reduced through the
                introduction of an incentive [31].
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