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Habitat Selection Response of Anchovy and Sardine

             highlight differences in the habitat selection behavior of anchovy  We state that no specific permissions were required for the
             and sardine in two areas: the Strait of Sicily and the North Aegean  surveyed area both in the Strait of Sicily and in the North Aegean
             Sea. The Strait of Sicily (Fig. 1a) is characterized by a complex  Sea, since the involved Institutes (IAMC-CNR and HCMR) were
             circulation, since it is the area connecting the two main basins of  encharged by their Ministries to carry out the data collection in the
             the Mediterranean Sea. The Modified Atlantic Water (MAW),  framework of European Data Collection Framework (DCF -
             fresher and warmer, flows in the upper layer towards the eastern  Reg.Ce. Nu 199/2008, Nu 665/2008 and Commission Decision
             Mediterranean basin whereas the Levantine Intermediate Water  Nu 949/2008).
             (LIW), saltier and colder, moves in the opposite direction [17,18].  We confirm that the field studies did not involve endangered or
             The general surface circulation pattern is locally controlled by the  protected species.
             motion of the MAW, which bifurcates in the Atlantic Ionian  Biological samples (anchovies and sardines) were collected by
             Stream (AIS), a meandering surface current flowing towards the  means of a pelagic trawl net during the surveys at sea, with the
             Ionian Sea, and the Atlantic Tunisian Current (ATC) flowing  main aim of evaluating species composition and size classes
             southward [17,19]. During summer, the Atlantic water advected  distribution. Due to the low resistance of small pelagic fishes to
             by the AIS to the south of Sicily is warmer than its north  catch with net, the specimens used for the study were already dead
             surrounding waters at the same depth. The AIS motion produces a  when coming on board within the trawling net.
             cyclonic vortex over the Adventure Bank (Adventure Bank Vortex
             – ABV) and an almost permanent upwelling along the southern  1. Acoustic data collection
             shore of the island [18]. The North Aegean Sea (Fig. 1b) is  Acoustic sampling was performed by means of scientific split-
             characterized by high hydrological complexity mostly related to  beam echosounders working at 38 kHz and calibrated following
             the Black Sea water (BSW) which enters the Aegean Sea through  standard techniques (Foote et al., 1987). Acoustic data were
             the Dardanelles Strait. The overall circulation is mainly deter-  recorded at a speed of 8–10 nmi h 21 . Minimum sampling depth
             mined by the presence of the Limnos-Imvros stream (LIS), which  varied between 10 to 20 m depending on the area. The size of the
             carries waters of Black Sea origin onto the Samothraki plateau  Elementary Distance Sampling Unit (EDSU) was one nautical
             [20], generating a permanent anticyclonic system. The outflow of  mile (nmi, 1.852 km). We considered as anchovy/sardine presence
             BSW (salinity ,30) enhances local productivity, and its advection  any school or echo assigned to anchovy/sardine either by echo
             in the North Aegean Sea induces high hydrological and biological  trace classification or attributed to anchovy/sardine based on the
             complexity [21,22]. This is further enhanced by the presence of a  catch composition of identification hauls [28]. Midwater pelagic
             series of large rivers flowing out into semi-closed basins like  trawl sampling was carried out in order to identify and verify
             Thermaikos Gulf, enhancing the productivity locally.  anchovy and sardine echo traces and length frequency.
                                                                  Acoustic data analysis was performed using the Myriax
              In these areas, acoustic data acquisition for small pelagics has                              2
             been conducted since 1998 [23] and 1995 [6], respectively.  Echoview software. Anchovy and sardine density (t/nmi ) for
                                                                each EDSU was evaluated by merging the biological and acoustic
             Surveys took place in both areas during summer, which
                                                                data, based on the nearest haul method [28].
             corresponds to the peak of the spawning period for anchovy
             [10,11,24,25] and the recruitment period for sardine [26].  The study area in the Strait of Sicily comprises the continental
                                                                shelf along the southern coast of Sicily (Fig. 1c). The echosurvey
             Previous studies in the basin have focused on habitat suitability
                                                                sampling strategy adopted parallel transects characterized by
             modeling for these species, using presence/absence information
             and determining the areas with suitable conditions to support  5 nmi inter-transect distance (Fig. 1c and Table 1). The
                                                                investigated bathymetric range was 20–300 m.
             anchovy and sardine presence [1,4,27]. In this work we analyze
                                                                  In the North Aegean Sea acoustic surveys were carried out
             the environmental preference and processes driving the habitat  along predetermined parallel transects with 10 nmi inter-transect
             selection of anchovy and sardine populations by taking into
                                                                distance in open areas, whereas zigzagged transects were sampled
             account the spatial distribution of species density in relation to
                                                                inside gulfs (Fig. 1d and Table 1).
             environmental patterns. Specifically, we focus on high density
             values, seeking for similarities or differences in the ‘‘mean’’
                                                                2. Environmental dataset
             behavioral patterns for each species. Two kinds of variables were
                                                                  Satellite and in situ measurements were used in this study to infer
             selected for this study: one group of factors related to or being
             proxies of the trophic status of the water column (e.g. chlorophyll  the environmental conditions in the study areas and to investigate
                                                                the habitat suitability of the considered species. Satellite dataset
             and particulate organic carbon) and a group of variables which
                                                                are largely used in fishery community due to their consistent
             describe the hydrographic regimes in each area (e.g. temperature,  space-time coverage and their ability to highlight specific ocean
             salinity, potential energy deficit and kinetic energy).
                                                                processes. Furthermore, ETOPO1 bathymetric data were used to
                                                                associate bottom depth values at each observation. The ETOPO1
             Materials and Methods
                                                                dataset, provided by NOAA (
              The study was carried out on data collected in two sea areas  global/global.html), is built by merging a number of global and
             without any restriction. We received the necessary permissions for  regional datasets, integrating land topography and ocean bathym-
             working at sea in National waters by the Italian and Greek Coastal  etry over a 1 arc-minute grid.
             Guards for the Strait of Sicily and the North Aegean Sea  2.1 In situ measurements.  In the Strait of Sicily water
                                                                column parameters were collected during co-occurring hydrolog-
              The study areas are:                              ical surveys carried out on board the R/V ‘‘Urania’’ covering the
                                                                same area as the echosurveys. The sampling strategy (Fig. 1e) was
             – in the Strait of Sicily between 35uN and 38uN latitudes and  based on a regular grid with 4 nmi mesh size in the coastal sector
               between 11uE and 16uE longitudes;                and 12 nmi mesh size in offshore waters. Salinity, temperature and
                                                                pressure profiles, collected from surface down to bottom or 600 m
             – in the North Aegean Sea between 38uN and 41uN latitudes and
               between 22uE and 27uE longitudes.                (maximum depth) by means of SBE911 plus CTD probe (Sea-Bird
                                                                Inc.), were processed using Seasoft-Win32 software following the
             PLOS ONE |                       2                   July 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101498
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