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Habitat Selection Response of Anchovy and Sardine

                                                                application of QI analysis was obtained, which permitted to relate
                                                                the identified physical processes and habitat selection. Principal
                         2008  37.2  20.4  37.0  15.0  38.7  317.6  0.22  6.5  66.2  37.8  57.6  7.7  components were computed via the correlation matrix and, in
                                                                interpreting identified patterns, only variables presenting a
                                                                correlation with the PC axis higher than 0.5 were considered.
                         2006  35.8  19.3  24.0  14.1  38.4  319.9  0.30  6.6  85.3  20.8  56.0  7.1  Results

                                                                  The analysis of the environmental dataset permitted to highlight
                                                                the main environmental differences between the two areas.
                         2005  36.7  18.6  32.0  14.3  38.6  274.2  0.22  5.7  66.2  43.0  57.3  9.1  Specifically, significant difference (Mann-Whitney U Test, p,
                                                                0.001) in the UML temperature (Table 3) was evidenced between
                                                                the two areas, despite the magnitude of such difference was not so
                      Sea  2004  36.3  18.5  35.0  14.0  38.5  291.5  0.25  69.8  40.9  54.8  high (slightly higher UML temperature values in the North
                                                                Aegean Sea than in the Strait of Sicily). On the contrary, median
                      Aegean                 5.5       6.1      UML salinity presented a narrower range of values in the Strait of
                                                                Sicily compared to the North Aegean Sea, being lower (Mann-
                      North  2003  36.2  20.0  25.0  13.8  38.5  353.9  0.25  7.5  72.6  60.6  59.4  6.7  Whitney U Test was significant at p,0.001) at the second area;
                                                                this difference is largely due to the influence of the fresher BSW in
                                                                the upper layer. In both areas the thickness of UML showed
                                                                similar values (i.e. not significant difference) with a median value in
                         2010  37.6  18.4  36.0  15.2  38.1  139  0.12  5.8  44.0  135.5  59.0  2.7  the range 24.0 m - 37.0 m (Table 3). Moreover, median
                                                                temperature in the BL assumes slightly higher values (p,0.001)
                                                                in the Strait of Sicily than in the North Aegean Sea, while
                                                                significantly lower salinity values (p,0.001) were recorded in the
                         2009  37.6  18.8  24.0  15.0  38.1  122  0.12  5.7  43.0  157.0  60.0  3.4  former area. Such environmental conditions in the BL are mainly
                                                                driven by the MAW flowing on the southern continental shelf
                                                                south of Sicily. In order to avoid possible interaction with bottom
                                                                depth, a correlation analysis between bathymetry and all
                         2008  37.5  19.7  30.0  15.6  38.0  152.6  0.13  4.5  46.0  297.5  59.0  3.8  environmental variables was carried out in each area. Particularly,
                                                                BL density and BL thickness showed significant positive correla-
                                                                tion with bathymetry in both areas (Table 4), thus they have not
                                                                been considered in the following analyses.
                areas.   2007  37.5  19.2  30.0  15.8  38.0  152.4  0.14  4.4  48.0  597.0  59.0  5.8  showed significantly higher (p,0.001) values in the Northern
                                                                  Among satellite variables Chl sat , CDOM index and POC
                study    2006           138.7                   Aegean Sea than in the Strait of Sicily, confirming the lower
                                                                productivity of the Strait of Sicily singled out in other studies
                two         37.7  18.7  32.0  14.9  38.1  0.10  3.8  39.0  71.0  57.0  4.3  [32,36]. Significantly higher values of KE (p,0.001) in the Strait
                                                                of Sicily are due to the particular position of this area that is
                the                                             characterized by high dynamics of water masses. A more stable
                in       2005  37.7  18.8  27.0  14.7  38.0  147.2  0.16  4.8  53.0  101.0  59.0  0.6  stratification of the water column in the North Aegean Sea is
                                                                evidenced by the significantly higher (p,0.001) PED values in this
                variables                                       area (Table 3). Most part of the surveyed area in the Strait of Sicily
                                                                is located within the coastal waters, characterized by low MADT
                                                                values. This circulation feature is associated with upwelling
                satellite  Sicily  of  2003  37.9  19.7  32.0  15.2  38.4  160.2  0.13  5.7  46.0  126.0  59.0  20.6  processes, whereas higher values observed in North Aegean Sea
                                                                are associated with the presence of anti-cyclonic vortexes related to
                and   Strait  2002  37.7  19.1  31.0  15.5  38.2  159.7  0.14  4.7  49.0  453.0  58.0  20.6  BSW influence.
                                                                  During the study period both anchovy and sardine showed
                situ                                            higher biomasses in the North Aegean Sea than in the Strait of
                                                                Sicily (Fig. 2). The central part of this latter area (Figs. 3 and 4) is
                in                                              occupied by both species consistently in each survey, while their
                the                                             presence in the Maltese and Adventure banks shows high
                of                                              variability. Furthermore, anchovy shows a more patchy behavior
                                                                than sardine, mainly characterized by higher biomass values over
                values                              day 21 )    the Adventure bank than on the Maltese bank, except in 2002 and
                                                                2008 (Fig. 3). The opposite happens for sardine, showing higher
                Median      (PSU)  (uC)  (m)  (uC)  s 22 )  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101498.t003  biomass values in the Maltese Bank (except in 2009) than in the
                                                                Adventure Bank (Fig. 4). In the Northern Aegean Sea both species
                3.          Salinity  Temperature  Thickness  Temperature  (PSU)  m 22  (mgm 23 )  (mgm 23 )  (cm 22 s 22 )  (Einsteinsm 22  (cm)  present higher densities over the coastal areas and the semi-closed
                                                                areas receiving river outflows (Figs. 3 and 4). Opposed to the Strait
                Table       UML  UML  UML  Salinity  (kg  PED  Chl sat  CDOM  POC  PAR  MADT  of Sicily, anchovy generally presents less patchy, more uniform
                                                                distribution compared to sardine. In 2003 and 2006, years with
                                                                the highest sardine biomass, the species shows a more uniform
             PLOS ONE |                       6                   July 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101498
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