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Habitat Selection Response of Anchovy and Sardine

              Table 1. Details on the echosurveys carried out in the Aegean Sea and Strait of Sicily.

              Period of the Echosurvey         Area              Research vessel     Echosounder        CV Geo
              2003 July                        Aegean Sea        Philia              Biosonic DT-X      0.27
              2004 June                        Aegean Sea        Philia              Biosonic DT-X      0.32
              2005 June                        Aegean Sea        Philia              Biosonic DT-X      0.23
              2006 June                        Aegean Sea        Philia              Biosonic DT-X      0.26
              2008 June                        Aegean Sea        Philia              Biosonic DT-X      0.21
              2002 July                        Strait of Sicily  G. Dallaporta       Simrad EK500       0.16
              2003 June                        Strait of Sicily  G. Dallaporta       Simrad EK500       0.11
              2005 June                        Strait of Sicily  G. Dallaporta       Simrad EK60        0.10
              2006 June                        Strait of Sicily  G. Dallaporta       Simrad EK60        0.13
              2007 July                        Strait of Sicily  G. Dallaporta       Simrad EK60        0.15
              2008 August                      Strait of Sicily  G. Dallaporta       Simrad EK60        0.13
              2009 July                        Strait of Sicily  G. Dallaporta       Simrad EK60        0.11
              2010 July                        Strait of Sicily  G. Dallaporta       Simrad EK60        0.15
              CV Geo is the coefficient of variation related tothe survey precision and the spatial sampling error in the estimate of the high density areas, estimated by means of
              geostatistics (Rivoirard et al., 2000).

             wherever bottom depth is deeper than 200 m. The breakdown of  where H is the bottom depth or 200 m in deeper stations, r is the
             the water column into UML and BL provided a good description  average density, z is the depth, r z is density at depth z and g is the
             of the stratification of the water column as well as a rough  gravity.
             indication of the water circulation.                 The acoustic along-track EDSU was 1 nmi while CTD station
              Along with mean temperature, salinity and density, also the  were collected for both areas at a coarser grid. Thus UML and BL
             UML thickness and the Potential Energy Deficit (PED) [7] were  parameters as well as PED were interpolated by means of bilinear
             considered in our analysis. The PED parameter is a stratification  spline interpolation applied in GRASS GIS software [31] using
             index and can be considered as the energy required to cause dis-  1 nmi interpolation grid in order to obtain a full link between
             stratification of the water column. Specifically, it was calculated  acoustic and environmental datasets.
             using the following equation:                        2.2 Satellite dataset.  In addition to the in situ measurements,
                                                                annual mean monthly values of satellite variables [1,32] for the
                                             !                  study areas and periods were used. Specifically, we considered the
                               1  X                             Sea Surface Chlorophyll-a (Chl sat ), the Particulate Organic
                                          : :
                           W~       ð r{r Þ g z
                              H                                 Carbon (POC), the Chromotophoric Dissolved Organic Matter
                                                                (CDOM index), the Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR),
              Table 2. Satellite variables description.
              Variable      Abbreviation  Sensor/Model  Resolution  Units                       Source
              Sea Surface   Chl sat    MODIS Aqua  4 km      mg m       Chlorophyll a           http://oceancolor.gsfc.
              Chlorophyll-a                                             concentration 
              Photosynthetically  PAR  MODIS Aqua  4 km      Einsteins m 22  Daily integrated photosynthetically  http://oceancolor.gsfc.
              Available Radiation                            day 21     available radiation from 400 - 700 nm
              Particulate Organic  POC  MODIS Aqua  4 km     mg m 23    Particulate organic     http://oceancolor.gsfc.
              Carbon                                                    carbon concentration
              Chromophoric  CDOM Index  MODIS Aqua  4 km     Dimensionless  Chlorophyll-chromophoric  http://oceancolor.gsfc.
              Dissolved                                                 dissolved organic matter
              Organic Matter                                            proportion index
              Kinetic       KE         AVISO       ,14 km    cm s 22    Calculated as the product of  http://aviso.oceanobs.
              Energy                                                    0.5*(U +V ) where U: longitudinal  com/
                                                                        geostrophic velocity and V: latitudinal
              Mediterranean  MADT      AVISO       ,14 km    cm         Sea surface height      http://www.aviso.
              Absolute                                                  with respect to the geoid
              Dynamic                                                                           /products/sea-surface-
              Topography                                                                        height-products/regional

             PLOS ONE |                       4                   July 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 7 | e101498
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