Page 10 - Lista_Rossa_Flora_Italiana_2013
P. 10

LISTA ROSSA DELLA FLORA ITALIANA                                                                       9

        ExECUTIvE SUmmARy

        As part of the Mediterranean global biodiversity hotspot, the Italian flora is particularly rich of species, many of
        them endemic to restricted territories. In some areas of Italy endemic plant species reach very high percentages,
        between 13% and 20% of the local flora. However, plant diversity in the Mediterranean Basin is facing several
        threats due to changes of the current socio-economic dynamics. Italy is not an exception and urgent conservation
        measures are needed to halt the loss of biodiversity and preserve the numerous threatened species.
        This volume is the output of a project started in 2012, funded by the Italian Ministry of Environment for the
        Protection of Land and Sea and carried out by the Italian Botanical Society, that put together the expertise of more
        than 200 Italian botanists.
        The result is a partial Red List of the Italian flora, but including all the 197 Italian Policy Species, namely the species
        listed in the annexes of the Directive 92/43/EEC “Habitat” and in the annexes of the Berne Convention. A further
        group  of  species  (including  vascular  species,  lichens,  bryophytes  and  fungi),  among  the  most  threatened  or
        endemic has also been assessed against the IUCN Criteria and Categories.

        Most of the assessments have been made through the IUCN criterion B, based on the geographical distribution.
        In particular, the Area of Occupancy (AOO) of the species has been assessed by counting the number of cells
        occupied by each taxon in a 2 x 2 km grid superimposed to a map of Italy in a GIS system.

        Despite the policy species and most of the other assessed taxa are protected at the national or international level,
        the data analysis revealed a critic conservation status of a great number of taxa (45% of the Policy Species), some
        already extinct in Italy or near extinction. Two endemic species are completely extinct and others only survive ex
        situ in botanical gardens. The main threats to plant diversity in Italy are represented by uncontrolled urbanization
        and infrastructure development, followed by the impact of intensive farming and recreational activities. Regarding
        the latter threat, criticisms can occur even inside protected areas, due to touristic infrastructure development and
        when sensitive areas are not properly patrolled.

        In the light of the present study, emerges the urgency for in situ and ex situ conservation practices (e.g. seed banking,
        translocation, etc.), a continuous monitoring of the conservation status of species and populations and a more
        appropriate management of the species-rich areas (i.e. protected area management, establishment of protected
        areas, Site of Community Importance, etc.). Finally, a further effort for a higher number of assessments is highly
        recommended in the next future.
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